Chapter 1, Betrayal

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Percy POV

It was a cloudy day, and I was on border control. Well, more like an look out and demigod helper, since the statue of Athena and Thalias tree protected the camp enough, and they where protected by Pelois, our guard dragon. Anyway i looked around the border, always ready to take out Anaklysmos.

As I walked, I heard a high pitched scream that I thought came from a girl. I ran towards the source of the scream and saw a boy, about 16 years old, being chased by four Hellhaunds. I uncapped the pen and my sword came right out. Sprinting to his aid, I sliced thru one of the Haunds, the one that was about to make him into burger meat. What I didn't expect to happen was the second Hellhaund sprinting towards me, crashing into my side with a force that would make truck-kun jealous. I dropped my sword and fell hard, next thing I know is that I'm fighting the Haund bear handed, forcing its mouth away from me. I looked to where the camper was a moment ago, only to see him running up the hill with my sword.

I cursed outlaud and tried to fight the beast, but it was futile. It was stronger then me physically, and was also determined to kill me, probably to avenge his siblings that I killed. I remembered how I bended the blood of a goddess in Tartarus, and decided to try it on the hound. I concentrated as hard as I could, trying to feel it's blood, the water on its body. Once I felt it, I mentally grabbed to it, and yanked towards the other Hellhaunds. The result was a bloody mess, as its blood flew out with some organs, effectively blinding the Hellhaunds. I took that opportunity to do the same thing to them too, thinking of how to explain his smell to Miss O'Lary.

He walked up the border and saw everybody bowing to the newby, as his parent claimed him. I looked up to the little hologram that was above his head and almost had a heart attack. It was a spear with three ends, a trident. At first I was happy, until I saw the faces of everyone there, they looked at him with admiration, respect and the girls where blushing, including Annabeth! I put on a smile as I casually walked over and said "Yo, I noticed that I have a brother now? That's cool!" but what I got from him was a look of discussed. The others gave me a similar look, and a Aphrodite Camper said "What do you want Jackson?" I was taken back at the discusst in her voice, as I looked around, looking for an awnser. "What did I do?" I asked, but the awnser was a simple slap to the face by Piper. "Jacke just told us how he had to save your sorry ass Jackson! And how you where about to abandon him! Have you no shame?!".

I was stunned, I looked back at every one and saw that they all belived him. I clenched my teeth and just walked back to my cabin, packing up some stuff. I looked at the little purple box in my closet, then out the window to Annabeth who was still blushing at the new one and clenching his arm to her chest. I threw it out the window into the lake, but just as it hit the water I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I collapsed to the wooden floor and gasped. I tried to heal myself with water, but it didn't even follow my orders anymore.

Third person POV ('cause I'm lazy)

Percy looked outside, where he saw Jacke talking to his father, Posidon. Percy knew immediately what happened. He was disowned. He fought thru the pain and packed his things, and waited. Once it became darker he snuck out the cabin, the moment someone knocked on the door.

"Open up pricy! I know your in there! I didn't come back from a quest just for you to leave! And what's with that Jackass? Everybody seems to view him as some sort of God. NOW OPEN UP OR I'LL DO IT FOR YOU!" said a angry daughter of Ares. He felt a bit relieved, but he pushed his hopes away, not knowing if this will just shatter him again. He casted the mist around him, making it look like he's not there. Walking past the border he felt a presence coming from the woods, looking around to see the Huntress'es of Artemis and their goddess coming into the camp. He knew that if someone figured out that he had run away, the huntress'es will hunt him down. He sprinted down the hill, to the highway and saw a taxi coming towards him. He made a New Yorker whistle, calling the taxi to him. The driver pulled over and percy got in the taxi and said "East 104th and 1st, Upper East Side, Manhattan".the driver nodded and started driving towards Percy's destination. When the where about a hundred meters away from where the man picked up percy, a group of teenagers ran down to the street. Percy looked behind him and saw that it was the hunt and Clarisse, staring towards him. He manipulated the mist a bit and made it look like they took a turn to the right, leading the girls away from him and shooting range. He arrived where he wanted to go, and paid the taxi driver with his Lotus Casino card, a card with unlimited amount of money. He walked to the apartment of his mother and his step-dad, took out the keys and opened up the door. "Hello?" he asked into the apartment. He went to the living room and saw that his mother was writing something on her Laptop. He asked again "Mom?". At that Sally Jackson jumped up in surprise. She looked at percy and her face turned to one of anger. "Leave, I want a life where I don't have to worry about my child. I want that you leave me, Paul and my daughter in peace and never return!" she screamed.

Percy broke down in tears and ran away, leaving his keys and Lotus Casino card on the counter. He ran and ran, not stopping for a brake. He ran for kilometers and didn't stop. After hours he stopped to take a brake, and broke down crying again. He was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by sand and rocks. He took out Anaklysmos and swung it around, cutting stones in anger and dispair. After a couple swings his sword stopped its rampage, because it was stuck in a big boulder. Percy tried to get it out but it snapper in half. He was hit by a lightning bolt along with the sword, falling into uncounchesnes. Once he woke up he saw a girl in a silver white alpaka, with a diadem and brown hair. He needed a moment to realize who the girl was. Once he did, his eyes widened and he ran again, this time from what he had freed. He ran until he saw a sign saying LA 100 Kilometers.

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