Chapter 5

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Still Circe POV

I was stunned again. 'What was he talking about? Why... Oh... She was one of those women'. I looked to the window, looking at the beauty of Aeaea. "Is there anyway I could repay my sins toward this place?" "Perseus, I already told you, it wasn't your fault-" but the little basterd cut me of "I know what you are saying, but I could've helped, I could've atleast checked if everything was alright, but I didn't. Please, there must be a way that I can repay that!".

I looked at the boy, still on his knees and hands, begging for something he didn't deserve. But that's what happens with heros, they die, eather easy or... very painfull. "Alright brat, I might have something for you. But I'll have to tell you now, there is a great chance that you die. But if you survive, I want you to join the sister-hood here, become one of my apprentices. Capish?"

He looked down and said "That would be also ideal for me, what do I need to do m'lady?" "I'll bring you to a small apartment, you'll sleep there while you're here. While your there I'll have someone bring you special clothes that you'll need. After that, you'll see. Now follow me, time to go"

He stood up and nodded his head, "alright m' lady, point the way. The sooner the better". I walked over to my desk and looked over some files, then we went on our marry way. Once at the apartment, he looked around and I could see that he was about to thank me so I cut him of "this is practically payment for when you survive. The apartment has three bedrooms, a bathroom, living room with kitchen and a bar, and the balcony has a view over the island and a little bit over the sea. Now settle in, tomorrow will be a big day for you". "thank you Circe, for everything. Ever since I'm here I feel like... like I'm home. I need to thank you for that". I turned around and walked out 'well, this could be interesting if he survives. If not... Well, it was nice knowing him. Ooh, is that popcorn?'

Percy POV

After Circe walked out I looked around the apartment. It was big for me, since it looked like a big apartment in New York, but I never realy saw any of the big ones eather way. I looked at my stuff, a box with cloths and one with electronics. I took both boxes to one of the bedroom and put them next to the bed. Don't get me wrong, I want to put everything in it's place that would suit me, but I know that I might not even come back, so there realy is no reason for me to unpack right now. I looked outside and saw that it was getting late, so I just went to sleep.

Meanwhile with the gods

"Hecate dear, would you please tell us if the mist was used on miss Jackson there? Maybe to alter her memory's?" asked Hera in a sweet tone. Hecate nodded and looked at Saly. For one intense minute she was just staring, but then out of nowhere she just collapsed. "Miss Jackson is alright, I just removed the mist that had nested itself in her memories, making her think that she birthed a boy, but that was never true" said Hecate.

Hera nodded "you are free to go Hecate, and could you be so cind to take Miss Jackson back?" Hecate grabbed Saly by the collar and flashed away. All other gods turned to Poseidon for answers, but he also had already flashed away. Zeus stared at his brothers throne with rage and hissed "Council meeting... Dismissed"

Back to Aeaea

Percy woke up from his slumber and stood up. He went through his morning routine and opened the door, only for a girl his age (meaning almost if not already a woman) trying to knock on his door, but since now he's in the way... She knocked on his chest. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and she blushed a deep red. "I have the clothes that you need, please change and come with me" she gave him a little bag with some sort of clothing. "alright, I'll go change". Percy took the bag and went to 'his' room. "if you want you can come in! It's better than standing awkwardly on the doorstep" to wich she took the opportunity to sit down on the couch. Percy opened the bag and saw a hospital gown, underwear and the one of the deadlyest weapons in the world, slippers! Percy stripped down till he was naked, and put the stuff on that he was given. He went back to the girl who has made herself comfortable on the couch. "Yo, I'm ready. Where to?" he asked. She stood up and mentioned him to follow her. "Sooo... What's your name? Mine is-" "yea I know, Perseus Jackson. I'm Rebecca, one of the head engineers here" she said. He wanted to say something but saw that she didn't want to talk, so he kept silent.

They walked out of the apartment and took of to the hospital area. Before they could reach the crowded area of Aeaea the Rebecca took a sharp turn into a building that he didn't see before, and followed. She opened the door showing that it was an escalator. They went inside and she pushed the 'down' button, wich leed to them almost to start free falling.

"Ummm Rebecca? Is this thing supposed to go that fast?!" asked a frightened percy "Yea.... Maybe? I don't know how fast a elevator should go, as long as you don't brake a leg, it's goo-" Rebecca didn't get to finish her sentence, as they gently arrived, making both of them fall over flat on the floor. The doors opened and a groggy Percy crawled out, soon followed by Rebecca who wasn't looking better. After a minute they stood up and saw Circe right in front of them "Well, that wasn't realy... Elegant. Rebecca, you do know that those straps on the floor and sides of the elevator aren't just for show, right? Eather way, Perseus, come with me and I'll show you your task". Percy nodded, not even caring about the elevator thing and followed Circe through a labyrinth of halls, doors and rooms. They walked for a while until they stopped before a door with the sign 'Do Not Enter'. Before Percy could ask his new master anything she opened the door and lead them in, revealing a gigant laboratory. It had everything he could imagine, even a tank filled with some sorts of liquid. "Go to the lady over there, I'll be checking in with everyone else" said Circe and Percy nodded. He went to the lady who Circe tolled him to go and she did a quick health check and took some blood. Then was tolled to go to a lady that connected him to some tubes with a breathing mask and incerted some needles witch were connected to tubes to some parts of his body, then mounted a device over his heart and right lung. He was to step on a nother escalator witch rose him to the entrence of the tank. Circe looked up from her position over at the control station "So Perseus! We'll be doing some tests on you as you may have noticed. We're going to test our newest project out on you, so do you know what to do?" "Just let you do your thing?" asked Percy. "Yes! Now we'll lower you into the tank, and don't forget to breath! You may be under water, but you still need Oxygen!" said an overly exited Rebecca.

He nodded and waited about a minute until he felt the ramp being lowered. Once fully submerged, the tanks open roof closed, while air pumps started pumping, filling the water tank with bubbles of air. Percy rose his hand and gave them the thumbs up, only to slowly black out.

"Alright everyone! Let's do this. Rebecca, is he fully unconscious?" Circe asked turning to Rebecca "Yes M'lady" awsered said girl "Alright, Luna! I want you to start your blood tests! Alex, start the experiment". Alex nodded and pressed a button on the control panel. A black liquid started to flow down the tubes. The girls watched the liquid slowly flow down, until it entered Percy.

Yea sorry for the late update, kinda got bored of writing. Im going to try and write a little bit more

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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