Chapter 4 Meeting

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Important note!

Until Percy finds Aeaea (Circes Island) I'll write more of the POV of God's and demigods, to fill in the space that I would have a major time skip

Thanks for reading👍

Percy POV

Right now I'm anchored near the island of the cyclopses. I was eating some fish I've caughed and thinking how I should go to Aeaea. I wrecked my brain over in wich direction I should go. 'How should I know where I'm to go? I remember that right after we got past scylla I blacked out. From what I remember, Annabeth let the wind do it's job, making us stran- thats it! I just need to go back to where scylla was, and just let go of the any controls. In the end, I should strend on the shores of Aeaea!" he thought. He looked at the Cyclops island one last time with discust and left to execute his plan.

Back on Olymp

The gods where flashing in one after a nother. They all took their seats and Zeus begun the meeting "This council meeting is about the case of Perseus Jackson, who falsed a bombing in order to get Posidons attention out of his domain. Does anybody have leads on him, or why he did it?" "Father, me and my hunters followed him until he came to LA. He lived there for a couple days on the streets, where he then went into the domain of the Lotus Eaters. From there, within a day, he baught a boat, lots of supplies, weapons and for some reason a lot of meat. Like, he could probably make a feast large enough for the whole camp halfblood. From LA he took the boat and left at night" said Artemis. Zeus nodded his head and looked at Posidon" from what I've gathered, he took of to the sea of monsters, from where I don't know anything." said Poseidon. "Why would he go there, and also do all this? Why distract Posidon, his own father?" asked Athena.

To everyones surprise Hera spoke up "Well, that would be If Posidon was his father, but you disowned him, didn't you?". The gods turned around to see a nervous Posidon "And also, I wanted to ask you something for a long time. Is Perseus your son?" the question brought the attention back to her, the Olympians wondering what she is implying. "Of cour-" "Lies Posidon, I'm the Goddess of Family, that means I can feel every time you get children. And I didn't sensed percy being born in your family tree, care to explain? You know what, let's make it more interesting. Could we bring in Hecate, Iris and Saly Jackson?" "What are you implying Hera? That Poseidon stole a child? All for, whatever he wanted?" asked Athena as two goddesses and an Saly Jackson flashed/ were flashed into the throne room. The two goddesses bowed to Zeus, while Sally looked around in confusion. "Lady Hera, we heard what you said, so we decided to come in and bring the mortal too. What do you need us for M'Lady?" asked Irsis.

Percy POV

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Seriously, who goes around with almost no will to live, going on a 110% suicide trip to find an island that he/she was the cause to burn down in order to apologize to their folk. Then has the ingenious idea to just let the fates decide how he arrived.

Yep, that's what I'm doing right now. Just, letting my yacht doing it's own thing while I try to fish or somehow amuse myself with the modern technology in my phone that doesn't work since I'm in the fucking sea of monsters! Yea, I always thought that I'm a secret genius by doing dumb stuff, but it seems like I'm just an moron. I looked at my caches and grinched, all I can fish are the little ones and baby monsters, since everything else would try to kill me, and with no powers over the ocean, I don't even want to try. 'so that's what Roman's where afraid of, and why they only had one small boat' I thought. I looked over to the ships deck, looking in the distance when I saw a familiar island. I smiled and said to myself "Perseus ex-fucking Jackson! I am an idiotic genius!" as I let the yacht bring me to the island. Wen I came near enough, the wind seemed to grab my boat and dock it, so smooth that. If I wasn't there to see it, I would have sworn that I was still on open sea. A young girl, about 16 came up to my boat and asked "sir, could you please come down? Our mistress would like to talk to you!"

Circe POV

I just got an notification that a male landed on our island, and was send one of my new apprentice get him, training her persuasion skills. A couple minutes later she came back with a man, about 18, maybe 19. He had a black shirt with golden patterns, a tan jacket, black gloves, normal grey jeans and black boots. He had sea green eyes and raven black hair. Additionally he also had a pair of beautiful golden black hunting knives strapped to his waist. "so, what's your name young demigod?" I asked, going behind the bar, getting out the potion to make him a guinea pig. "Perceus Jackson, M'Lady".

I almost dropped the potion on the floor, but cough it in time. "What are you doing here again? Came back to gloat? Boast about your achievements?" I started to think of ideas of how and in what I should transform him. "actually, I'm here to apologize" he said, and went on his knees and hands, bowing to me. "I'm really sorry for what I did last time I was here! I never wanted to cause you problems!". I was too stunned to move for a minute until the effects of this whole situation ran of. I thought about it, and the more I thought, the more I saw that he wasn't a pig like the others of his kind, he held the sky for lady Artemis, he always treated others with respect as long as they didn't try to fuck up his loved ones. He was the kind of guy a woman dreams of.

Also, last time he was here, he didn't do anything to harm me or my apprentices, what I can't say for his girlfriend. "It wasn't your foult young hero. Something I can't say about that bitch of a girlfriend of yours". I expected him to burst out, killing me for calling his loved one a whore. "I'm still sorry for not trying to help you guys with the pirates, or atleast see if everything was alright here. I forgot about this place, even though I brought nothing but destruction with me here". To say I was stunned was and understandment. "well, if you could tell me, why are you alone? And why didn't you say anything when I insulted your lover?" "I'm here alone since I don't have anyone to accompany me, sins all my friends left me in the dust. And for not reacting to the insult? Why should I correct you if your saying the truth?".

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