Chapter 2

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"Oh lord! I'm so sorry but you should've been more careful while crossing the road

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"Oh lord! I'm so sorry but you should've been more careful while crossing the road." Yoongi didn't realise his voice coming off too stern as he quickly got down from his bi-cycle and rushed towards the boy on the ground.

"B-but this isn't the r-road, it's the w-way to IC b-building, bikes are n-not allowed here." The boy that fell on the ground named Jimin stuttered.

That's right though.

It's the Intensive Care building, only for the Elites and Yoongi cursed himself for being so absent-minded to come here with his bi-cycle, thank the Lord of Kittens that no other IC students saw him here other wise they'll be creating a ruckus.

But the boy's voice came out damn smooth, it made Yoongi smile automatically but why's he stuttering awfully? Did he perhaps scare the boy with his words? Fúck!

"Hey, am sorry. I didn't mean to wrong you or anything, I was just worried." yoongi spoke with a smile.

"Are you hurt?" Yoongi questioned with worry as he saw the smaller boy struggling to get up from the ground.

Yoongi moved a little closer cautiously, minding the gap between their bodies.

"U-um, no, I'm okay!". Jimin kept his head low the entire time and slowly tried getting up from the ground, dusting his pants and Yoongi let out a gasp.

"God, your forearm is bleeding and you say you are okay? Let's get you treated!". Yoongi exclaimed, feeling guilty that he's the cause and Jimin quickly raised his hands up in the air, waving them as a No.

"It's okay, am good, don't trouble yourself". Jimin spoke with a soft smile.

Yoongi shook his head at those words. How can this be a trouble when he was the one who made the accident happen and he is ready to take responsibility. "Ah, it's no trouble, I'm taking responsibility for hitting you with my bicycle. Let's go to the infirmary."

Jimin generally is weak in saying 'No' to anyone yet he already managed to say it once to this cat looking guy but this guy seemed persistent and Jimin doesn't have the heart to say No again, he simply can't.

With a kind and weak heart, Jimin slowly nodded his head at Yoongi.

"Good, hop on my bike, I'll drop you at the infirmary!" Yoongi signalled at his bicycle.

Jimin nod his head at those words but stood glued to the floor as Yoongi sat on his bi-cycle, waiting for Jimin to sit on the back seat.

"Won't you come? Don't tell me you hate every vehicle other than cars."

Jimin bit his lower lip at the false impression Yoongi has and quickly shook his head sideways.

"Uh, I-I have never b-been on a bike before, so... I'm sorry!"

Yoongi almost chuckled at the sight of this shy rich guy. The boy infront of him is more red than a tomato while he spoke those words, probably feeling embarrassed at himself.

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