Chapter 5

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Yoonji rolled her eyes at her brother.

"My heart hurts." Yoongi whined, placing his hand over his heart.

"Told you not to eat so much."

"How's that related to my heart ache?" Yoongi complained, groaning at his sister. "My heart hurts seeing messages of apology from Jimin."

"And who tf is Jimin?"

"I don't know! He's a rich shy dude that makes me feel things."

Yoonji stopped painting her nails for a second and then raised a brow at Yoongi. "Did he dump you then? Was he a bitch?" Yoonji questioned as Yoongi looked downhearted and the latter immediately scowled.

"What? Never, Jimin can never even hurt a fly."

"But instead of flies, he hurt you?"

Yoongi threw a pillow at his sister in annoyance, "Gurl No! Jimin is too kind for his own good."

"Then what the hell is that Jimin guy apologizing for?" Yoonji growled in irritation and Yoongi sighed, starting to narrate the whole thing that happened in the University today.

"Dang, we raised koo well." Yoonji spoke, doing a hair flip.

"That's what you are concerned about while I'm in a life crisis?" Yoongi complained, puffing his cheeks out. "Tell me a solution, how can I even face Jimin tomorrow?"

"Let me get this straight. So, that Jimin guy sent you over hundreds of apology messages and you replied to none. Why's that?"

"I, I seriously don't know. I feel angry, irritated, bad and I don't know what to reply."

"You are angry at the fact that Taehyung belittled you or at the fact he tried to control Jimin?"

"Both. It annoys me that Jimin let Taehyung control him. I know the difference between our status but still, it's Jimin's choice if he wants to be friends with me, nothing for Taehyung to interfere and-"

"Boy cut the blabber, just say you are jealous."

Yoongi choked hearing Yoonjis words, him, Jealous? Never.

"Quit daydreaming, chipmunk. I'm just angry at Taehyung's toxicity and absolutely not jealous." Yoongi spoke.

"Deny as much as you want but answer this, how does being around Jimin makes you feel?"

Yoongi was taken aback by the sudden question but he still managed to answer, "Feels great to have his company."

"That's it?" Yoonji inquired, raising a brow while Yoongi gulped.

"Yes, that's it." Yoongi spoke, "but when he smiles...Time stops around me, the ways his eyes crinkle at the ends captivates me, the way his plump lips curve upwards lightens my world and his red cheeks makes my heart thump crazy encouraging me to go for any lengths to see the boy smile again."

Yoonji blinked her eyes at his brother who seemed too lost in his bubble.

"Does his touch arouse you?"

Yoongi choked yet again at the shameless question. "W-what? N-no, I don't feel l-like that you perv." Yoongi spoke ignoring how his mind travelled back to the scene they both hugged.

"So you do get aroused then, boy, you are long gone in love."

"I s-said I don't! N-no!" Yoongi spoke, gritting his teeth at his sister who seemed to be making assumptions in her head.

"You stutter when you lie, Yoongi."


It took all his shattered courage for Yoongi to reply Jimin.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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