I'm Okay, If You're Okay.

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"Sure that'd be a good idea, but will I do it? Absolutely not." Hizashi attempted to whisper to Nemuri. She rolled her eyes, hands on her hips.

"Now Hizashi. You know that you need to talk to him."

"OK-" As he grew flustered his quirk activated by accident. His hands flew over his mouth as others stared at the pair walking down the hallway.

"Jesus, dude. Anyways," she flipped her hair out of her eyes. "Don't you have that project with him?" 

"I MEAN YEAH BUT LIKE-" Hizashi cut himself off, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "But like, it's extremely nervewracking and like he seems tired all the time and like I think I trouble him with my loud speaking and awkward jokes and-" Nemuri came to a stop, putting her hands on Hizashi's shoulders. He stood still.

"Listen, 'Zash, if you wanna live the rest of your life in regret because of something you didn't do in college, fine. You can watch this man live his life with someone else- while you stay in the background knowing that something could've went different. You can-"

"But who cares about that, 'Muri?" He cut her off.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, sure, you have a point.. But like, I'm not worried about that. Well I am but I'm not- But like," she motioned for him to continue, removing her hands from his shoulders. "If he's okay I'm okay. If he's happy, I'm happy- even if it means I'm suffering."

"How can you care about him that much? You barely know him. Do you even know his name?"

"Yes! It's Shota Aizawa." He piped up, a lovestruck smile on his face. She narrowed her eyes in thought. 

"Ok." She paused. "Ok, you know more than I originally thought. I have to give you credit for that. But still. You gotta live a little, Hizashi. You gotta take risks, make mistakes, crash and burn- but learn from it all," She was going to continue but realized he wasn't paying any attention. She crossed her arms, poking her hip out slightly. She cleared her throat.

"Huh? Oh! SORRY-" All she did was shake her head. 

"Hey Hizashi!" Oboro approached, with a grin spread across his face. His arm was casually around Aizawa's shoulder, the dark haired boy grumbling something under his breath.

"UH- HI!!" He waved, voice growing in volume as he became more nervous. Nemuri sighed and facepalmed.

"You really don't know how to act straight." She huffed. Oboro gave her a dumbfounded expression, noticing how red Hizashi was.

"You're gay?" He asked, genuinely. 

"Uhhhhh, sure!" Hizashi answered nervously, causing Aizawa to stare at him.

"Wow, what a convincing answer." He rolled his eyes, though he wasn't necessairly trying to be rude.

"I mean, it's not really any of my business, an unclear answer is fine." Oboro shrugged. "Anyways, I was coming over to speak for Aizawa."

"Oh?" Those words spiked Hizashi's curiousity. He glanced at Nemuri, who was standing there on her phone- obviously occupied.

"Yeah! You know, he's very shy-"

"Shut up."

"- And extremely feisty, apparently. Anyways he needed some extra help on the project, the time in class isn't really enough." Hizashi turned bright red, trying to hide it. He thought he succeeded, but he failed horribly. Nemuri looked up from her phone.

"I mean- um- yeah! Sure, yeah- that's- Yeah!" Hizashi stammered, moving his hands frantically. This caused Nemuri to laugh a little.

"Ok?" Oboro was a bit confused about his energy. "Cool! We share a dorm together, so you can just walk with us. Unless you had other plans-" He barely got his words out before Hizashi interrupted him.

"OF COURSE I'LL WALK WITH YOU GUYS-" He yelled. Aizawa rubbed his right temple in slight annoyance and distress. Oboro was a little shocked by his excitement, but nodded.

"Have fun, 'Zash." Nemuri winked at him, causing him to flush red. Oboro didn't seem to notice as he was busy talking to Aizawa about something, and though the tired boy noticed he chose to ignore it.


ok I don't think it was that bad tbh but ya know:) anyways hoped you enjoyed, and until next time?? idk lmao a n y w a y s, have a nice day :) (or night)



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