You Say That He "Means Well"

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"These "homosexuals" or whatever you wanna call them need to leave this campus." Enji huffed. Toshinori shrugged, seemingly unfazed by his statement. Nezu raised an eyebrow.

"Why should they? They deserve an education like you, Enji."

"Well, last time I checked, this campus is Christian. There isn't anything holy about homosexuality."

"There isn't anything holy about judging, either." Nezu stated plainly. "What's got you riled up this time?"

"Whatever my roommate's name is," He rolled his eyes.

"Hizashi," Toshinori reminded him.

"Yeah, him. He's always so loud because of his lame quirk. Plus, he's a homosexual."

"I thought him and Nemuri were a thing?" Toshinori seemed confused, as if it were any of his business.

"Nah, he's a fa-"

"how about we DON'T use slurs? Thanks, Enji." Nezu interrupted. Enji rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I don't know why you're defending such an abomination. You gay or something?"

"No, I'm just not an idiot. What makes you come up with this assumption, anyways?"

"You can just tell. He acts gay, he talks gay, he walks gay."

"There's a way to walk gay?" Toshinori wondered.

"Oh, most definitely. Have you not noticed how he walks?" Enji raised an eyebrow.

"Why have you been focusing on how he walks? That's not very "straight" of you." Nezu interjected.

"Excuse me?"

"You know what- Forget it. I gotta go study with Oboro anyways."

"Why are you always studying with him? You got something to tell us?" Enji prodded.

"First of all, no. Second of all, if I did, it'd be none of your business until I decide to tell you. Third of all, have you ever heard of hm, I don't know, class projects? Friends who understand the subject more than you and are willing to help? Or is everything a sexuality thing to you?"

"Man whatever, Nezu." Enji huffed. Toshinori shrugged as the smaller male got up from the table. "He's really letting that whole equality thing get to his head, huh?"

"Yeah he is."


"Nezu my man what is up?" Oboro grinned, but it faltered as soon as he saw his friend's attitude. "What's the matter?" Nezu shook his head, anger beginning to build and overwhelm him. Aizawa and Hizashi stopped their conversation, turning both of their attention towards Nezu.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Oboro raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go.

"If you say so, bro. But you know if anything's bothering you, I'm here to talk."

"Thanks." Nezu shrugged.

"Hey! Nez," Toshinori called. "I came here to talk. Enji means well, you know-"

"No the hell he doesn't." He cut him off. Oboro raised an eyebrow at the two's interaction, but decided to stay quiet until he needed to step in.

"C'mon, man, you're really letting this whole "equality" thing get to your head, you know-"

"Toshinori shut the fuck up." Nezu snapped. Oboro stared at him in shock, knowing this had to be serious by the words he chose to use.

"Nezu, what's going on-?" He asked, Aizawa and Hizashi falling silent behind them.

"It's really nothing, Shirakumo." Toshinori attempted to explain.

"I wasn't asking you, Yagi." Oboro spat. "Nezu, go on."

"Oh, you know, the usual. Enji is a homophobic asshole and Toshinori not even attempting to correct him. I've tried to, you know, let it go, shrug it off, because I thought that maybe the "friends" I had chosen weren't that ignorant. Oh how I was wrong." Nezu huffed.

"But I'm not ignorant. I never said anything about homosexuals, and I didn't even agree with anything Enji said."

"But you also didn't do anything to disagree with him. Your compliance with his words makes him think it's ok to talk like that. It's not. So unless you two both get your acts together, we won't be communicating. And you can tell Enji that if he has any further issues with Hizashi, or anyone else being themselves, he can take it up with me personally." He finished, now turning his attention back to Oboro. "Did you want to start on our English test or History first?" He asked.


"shooooTTTTAAAA~~~" Hizashi sang loudly. Aizawa rubbed his temples as he turned around.

"Yes, Hizashi?" He asked, annoyance clear in his tone.


"Ok, first of all, I'm gonna need for you to stop yelling."

"SOrry- can you come with me??" He asked, puppy eyes and everything. Aizawa crossed his arms.

"Puppy eyes are the weakest form of persuasion. Can't you ask your friend?"

"NemURi wouldn't wanna go with meee~~~" he pouted.

"And what makes you think I would?"

"Because you never do anything besides staying inside your dorm and watching cat videos on friday nights?" Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"Yes, it's a weekly routine. How would you know that, anyways?" Hizashi fell silent.

"MOVING ON. will you go with me?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever, if it'll get you to shut up." Hizashi embraced him in a tight hug. "Get your arms from around me before I bite them off."

"You're sO MEAN:((( BUT THANK YOU FOR SAYING YES:)" Hizashi beamed, releasing Aizawa from his grip.



Soooo??? SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR SO DAMN LONG GAHHH DAYUM- but im back now >:P and ummmm ik I have that x male reader im just down several braincells as many have put in their resignation paperssss soooozzz BUT I HOPED YALL ENJOYED THIS <3

also. Aizawa saying "puppy eyes is the weakest form of persuasion" like he wouldn't dismantle his whole lifestyle if eri asked him something and gave him the puppy eyes is like- so funny to me oop-

Word Count: 965

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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