He's a "Teenager" in Love

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Hizashi and Oboro were caught up in a discussion about bands- AJR, to be specific. Aizawa kept to himself, deep in his thoughts, slightly intrigued by the blonde's passionate attitude. He wasn't entirely sure why Oboro told Hizashi he needed extra help when he didn't, but figured it couldn't hurt.

"SO WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE BAND?" Hizashi hollered, a nervous grin and dark blush spreading onto his face. Oboro nudged Aizawa, causing him to turn his attention to the loud boy.

"Why are you always so loud..? But to answer your question, Arctic Monkeys." His eyes widened.

"I'M-" He focused on lowering his voice. "I'm really sorry it's just sometimes it's weird because my quirk is a voice quirk and like it makes mE HEIGHTEN MY VOICE AND LIKE-" He started rambling.

"It's quite annoying." Aizawa stated plainly, earning a glare from Oboro. "What?" He asked, as if he didn't know why he was getting looked at like that. Which in all reality, he didn't. Hizashi fell silent, but knew it wasn't gonna last for long no matter how insecure or bad he was feeling.

"That's not how you're supposed to treat your future husband," Oboro claimed. Aizawa stared at him in shock, but quickly pulled himself together.

"Excuse me?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Hizashi stared at Oboro as well.

"Haha, nothing. Anyways, moving on, I gotta go check in with Nezu. He was mentioning something about studying." He laughed, coming to a stop at their dorm door. Aizawa nodded and so did Hizashi.


"So the project?" Aizawa started, unsure of why he was growing nervous.

"Yeah!!" Hizashi grinned. "Professor said that it's due Friday.. So we should definitely work on it!"

"That's the plan, duh. Why else would you be here?" He retorted. Hizashi shrugged.

"Hey- Can I call you Shota? Or Sho? I mean.. Everyone calls you Aizawa-"

"That's because it's my name."

"Well... I'm not one to follow what everyone else is doing. Please?" He had a slight begging tone. Aizawa rolled his eyes at the blonde's statement.

"Of course you'd say that." He mumbled. "You can call me that- I don't care, if it'll stop any future complaining then I'm all for it-"

"Future? As in, we're friends?" Hizashi asked, hopeful, his voice piquing in volume. Aizawa huffed.

"Let's focus on this project."

"So like Sho," Hizashi started. Aizawa took a break and placed his pencil down.


"How long have you and Oboro been friends?" He asked, resting his chin on his hands. He stared at Aizawa eagerly with a wide smile on his face. It was as if he was a teen with their friends gossiping at a sleepover.

"Since elementary." He responded forthrightly. Shock painted Hizashi's features.


"You really need to control your quirk. Why are you so anxious?" He asked, as if the answer wasn't obvious. Well, it wasn't to Aizawa at least. Hizashi kept a goofy grin on his face despite how much he was internally screaming.

"uH- ya know juST the USUAL-"

"'The usual'?"

"YEAH HOW ABOUT WE FINISH THIS PROJECT-" Aizawa couldn't really stand how loud Hizashi was. However, he can't help but want to keep being around him.


"Hey, my favorite friendly neighborhood homosexual, how are things going?" Nemuri asked Hizashi the next time she saw him. He was heading back to his dorm, but shrugged.

"Actually pretty gOOd?" He smiled nervously, managing to keep his quirk under control to an extent. "ExcEPT UM- that uh... Todoroki dudE IS MY ROOmmate and.." Hizashi tried to calm himself down. Nemuri raised an eyebrow.

"Enji Todoroki?" Hizashi nodded. "Damn. What did he do? Or say? He was probably being a jackass, you know, the usual." She rolled her eyes with bitterness laced in her words. He cleared his throat before speaking, taking a deep breath.

"He hasn't donE anything uh.. yet, thankfully." He paused. "I just know he's homOPhobic, and... that- that won't wo..work out weLL-" She nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. And he hangs out with that ego drunken idiot, Toshinori or something."

"But Nezu is pretty cool?" Hizashi said, though it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah, I really don't know why he hangs out with them." He nodded. "So, you and that tired ravenette~?" She giggled. Hizashi turned a deep shade of red.


"Hizashi, it's hard to miss the fact that you're a homosexual. It's also hard to miss the fact you have a huge crush on this guy, as you've stated before," Nemuri pointed out. Hizashi let out a sigh of defeat.

"She's got a point," Oboro added, coming up next to her. Hizashi's eyes widened when he saw the cotton candy blue haired boy.



"ok I'm beGGIng you tO NOT TELL shO ab-abOUT ANYTHING OK," He 'whispered'. Well, it was considered a whisper compared to how loud he usually is. Oboro threw his hands up in defense.

"You don't gotta worry, brohomie. I was lowkey shipping it anyways,"

"See? He knows what's up." Nemuri laughed, pushing her glasses up.

"Of course I do," he beamed. "But yeah. I peeped out your crush or whatever as soon as we approached you about that project." Hizashi fell silent, blushing immensely.

"Wa-was.. was I THAT obvious?"

"Painfully. But I doubt Aizawa picked up on it." Oboro reassured him. Hizashi let out a sigh of relief. "But I mean you do needa tell him your feelings bro," his relief suddenly turned to anxiety.


"Yeah, dude, someone could just yank him away." Nemuri added.

"Which means, you needa tell him." Oboro concluded knowingly, as if he made a grand discovery.

"He might not be gay?" Nemuri seemed to take Hizashi's statement into consideration while Oboro doubled up with laughter.

"That's the funniest shit I've ever heard. Shota Aizawa, heterosexual-?" He could barely get his words out before he was attacked by laughter once again. "Manz can't even walk straight, let alone be straight." Oboro said once he finally calmed down. "And as his best bro, it is my job to help him become not single. It's hard to tell with his stoic expression if he has a crush, but I'm sure there's some love there when it comes to you." Oboro clasped his hands together. "Which means, I'm gonna play cupid." He shifted his hands to throw up finger guns, a wide smiled plasted on his face.


LES GO!!! UH I FINALLY UPDATED HAHAHA anyways um I'm trying my best my fellow people I promise uHHHHH ANYWAYS imma try to update more(as a homosexual, this probably wont happen)
anyways hope ya enjoyed 🙏😔

WORDS: 1120

-ryan :P

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