twenty one)

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Authors Note///

hi hi people! I know release day is today and believe me, I am in complete and utter denial but.. I hope this brings you some sort of joy.

lots and lots of love<333


The day finished and I began walking home when I heard a beep by the side of me.

Surprise, Surprise.

Guess who it was guys??

You'll never guess who it was.

"god you really are clingy" I didn't even hesitate before jumping into the passengers seat.

"yeah and you clearly hate it" he smiled.

"you do realise my mother is gonna think I've died??" I turned to the boy.

"I'm only kidnapping you for a night, don't worry" he grinned.

"so I have no choice in the matter?" I asked softly.

"nope" he replied, popping the 'P'. "pizza and video games remember?"

"oh shit, yeah!" I felt terrible as I had.. actually forgotten about the plans we made this morning.

"pizza and video games... though I am kidding by the way, if you want me to drop you home.. I'm more than happy to" he spoke gently.

"take me to your damn trailer, Munson" I squeezed his knee for a moment before continuing to play with the radio.

I did it before I eventually fell onto a station that was playing Mellow by Elton John.

"oh fuck yeah" I murmured in response to the opening piano chords.

"what.. is this??" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"it's Elton John!" I exclaimed. "I love Elton John"

"never heard his stuff" he shrugged.

"well you're insane" I stated before turning up the radio, belting along to the lyrical genius of Bernie Taupin.

"do you ever miss singing??" he asked out of the blue.

"always" I stated, taking a moment out of my singing session.

"you could always take up my hand offer" he smirked.

"when's your next practice? I'll come along" I suggested.

"really??" I didn't even have to look at him to know that his eyes lit up.

"fuck yeah" I nodded.

There was a few moment of silence before a unison 'Awwhhh' as The Last in Line by Dio blasted onto the radio.

We spent the rest of the journey having a sing a long session to every apparent banger that this radio station was throwing to us.

We arrived at his trailer and I was pleasantly surprised when the boy demanded me stay in my seat and moments later, took my hand to escort me out of the passengers seat and straight to his front door.

"what a gentleman.. Mr Munson" I blushed as the even held the door open for me.

"gotta do something to make up for this hellhole" he grinned closing the door behind us both. "now go, make yourself comfortable"

"so where.. Is your wonderful console??" I asked balancing on the balls of my feet.

"TV" he pointed in the corner.

"where'd you get enough money for that?" I gawked at their reasonably expensive looking station.

"what do you think?" he winked before exiting into his bedroom with both of our bags.

"are you stealing from me, Munson?" I squinted my eyes.

"nope, just assuming you're gonna stay here again" he shrugged returning to the room and throwing a shirt my way.

It didn't late long.. and much unfolding to realise that it was his Hellfire T-shirt.

"what's this?" I looked up at the boy.

"something comfortable for you to wear" he sat down next to me.

"but it's your Hellfire shirt... " I fluttered my eyelashes in.. shock.

"yeah" he smiled before leaning forward to turn on the TV. "don't worry, it's my spare one.. you're not that special"

I stared at him for a moment before he shot me an almost.. cheeky smile to let me know that he was joking.

"right. console set up. you pick a game while I order the food, what'd you fancy??" he turned to me.

"just a mozzerella" I nodded at the boy.

"boring" he poked his tongue out. "kidding, I'll get one too"

He stood up, not before placing a soft kiss on my forehead and heading across the trailer to the house phone.

I mean.. It was more on my bangs but.. that didn't stop my face from burning up like mount vesuvius.

I dragged myself to my knees in front of the TV and browsed through the games.

He didn't have a lot since it was a newer console but Mario Bros. and Ice Climber definitely caught my eye so..


He returning from the phone and dropped down onto the couch next to me.

"what's your poison, Wilson??" he smirked.

I stared for a moment before throwing up both games for him to view.

"you have good taste, my dear" he nodded approvingly before grabbing Mario Bros. and pushing it into the system.

We took turns playing and wonderfully but deeply competitively kept points, I was heartbroken when in the end.. It was Eddie Munson himself who had won but.. he's cute so I forgive him.

We demolished our pizza as they arrived and continued gaming into the night.

I laughed softly at nothing as my head rested on the lap of the boy next to me.

"you wanna smoke?? The uncle doesn't mind" he suggested. "I've got a new one"

"..alright then. just let me change quickly" i smiled before lifting myself up from the boy.

"you can change here. I won't look... promise" he threw his hands up in surrender before turning his back to me.

I trusted him and hesitated before removing my shirt.. my face bursting as I remembered the situation I was in.. sitting on Eddie Munsons couch.. In my bra... endless amount of possibilities..

I sort of just sat there for a moment.. hoping he'd turn around too early.

But I knew that he wouldn't.

I slid the very much oversized shirt over my body and threw my own to the side.

"okay, let's smoke" I mumbled to myself as the boy turned back round.

He just stared at me.

"what?" I laughed.. slightly nervously.

"being a member of Hellfire suits you" he smiled.

"really? You think I should join??" I flattened the shirt down with my hands.

"nahhh.. It'd be too easy. you'd just blind the enemies with your beauty" he spoke softly, adding a little wink at the end before lifting himself up to recieve his smokes.


good old fashioned lover boy (Eddie Munson X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now