1 - New.

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As I enter this..giant..manor..it seems that people are in it, running around, and it seems to be about, 3 stories..

How rich can these people be..

I thought to myself ad I knocked the door.

Did I formally introduce myself? Apologies, I am Norton Campbell. And I came to this Manor just for a simple reward. Now just having my name down, let's just get back to this story.

I knocked on the door and as the door opened I saw what seemed to a woman, with brown hair and what looks to be a nurses outfit on...or is it a doctors..? Whatever.

"Oh! You must be Sir. Campbell! Am I correct?"

"Yes, im Norton Campbell, you must be the owner of this manor?"

"Oh my sir, you will have to have a lot to know before thinking of me as the owner, but as it's to late now to leave for you, come in! You must of had a long time getting here."

As I walked in a thought ran threw my mind..What does she mean by to late..and she's not the owner? Then who is!..And soon enough, the doctor threw me right back into reality.

"I shall properly introduce myself, I am Emily Dyer, the nurse here at the Manor."

so she is a Nurse..I was right!

"Oh, well nice to formally meet you Miss Dyer."

"Now then, should I start off with a tour around the manor, or the rules of this manor."

"I think I would be fine with the rules first."

As I said that, Miss Dyer took what looked to be a deep breath.

"Okay! So, these won't really be considered rules, but every day you will at least have three matches, these matches will consist of 4 people, including you, and a "Hunter", an undead human who is forced to knock us down with fear and bring us back, and usually most Hunters are our friends on the other side of the manor, but we aren't much allowed over these, for some reason they are allowed over here though."

After miss Dyer said that, there was a brief moment of awkward silence between the two of us.

thats..alot to handle..

"Wow, that's a lot. Well then, can I have a tour around the manor?"

"Yes you can! Just follow me."

As miss Dyer said that, she would calmly walk along showing me the places, and I noticed now awkward I probably look compared to her, I mean..I just heard I will be doing "Matches" everyday, why did I even come here again!!

As we can across the 3rd floor, it seemed to just have the rooms of us "survivors", and one stood out to me, a room with a big hole in the middle of the door, but I only saw the hole, not who fould be in it.

Soon enough Miss Dyer showed me my room and just told me that "Its late and that I should go to bed" But guess what happened? I somehow managed to stay up all night with all the questions I had keeping me up all of that night, and as the sky grew lighter and lighter I soon heard what I  thought was miss Dyer slowly waking everyone up one by one, wasn't this gonna be a great day.

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