6. Its nothing much!

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A couple days later after my talk with Naib, I noticed that we had little chats, and it still made me happy knowing that he will now strike up a conversation with me!

It was later on into a Wednesday afternoon, and ice noticed almost all the survivors where gone...so I looked around to see if someone was still here, and I noticed Tracy, Emma, and Emily all talking together...so I went over to ask where everyone was.

"Hello? Miss Dyer? Where is everyone?"

"Oh! Most of them went to do a "friendly" Hunter match,"  Said Emily after finishing her conversation with the two other girls.

"A "friendly" Hunter match?"

"Its a match where the hunters are friendly and everyone usually just hangs out and has fun dumb dumb!!" Said the young gardener

"Oh, okay, and why didn't you 3 go?"

"I stayed for if someone pisses off the hunter and gets injured, tracy wanted to work on something soon, and Emma's banned for a little for pissing th off to much."

"Im sorry I'm sorry!! They just kept un-breaking my chairs!!"

"Okay then...is anyone else here? Or just you 3?"

"Im pretty sure Mr grumpy Subedar is still here, but I think he's tired so I don't want you pissing him off by accident!"

"Okay then.."

As I was about to turn around and head up the stairs to go to my room, Miss Dyer called me.

"Hey Norton! Why don't you hang out with us for alittle? It's not like we have cooties!!"

As I sighed I walked back over to the girls and would sit down with them.

After alittle while of talking to the girls I noticed the others weren't back, but I didn't mind, I was having fun.

"Hmmm...so norton! I have a bigger question for you!!" Said Emma.

"Oh? Yeah what's up."

"Whats with you trying to like...impresssss......naib all the time! It's kinda werid! Do you like him or something! Or are you just really really werid to some people??"

After she said that I just stared at her for a second in shock that u would hear the question..I wasn't mad or anything just surprised..I never even really thought of a reason to answer that.

"Oh geez..well I don't know, maybe I just want everyone to...like me..?"

"Not very convincing Campbell!! I'm going with the crush thing!" Yelled out The Mechanic.

"Ohhh my! It is definitely not a crush thing! Just because you have you little shipping thing cause your a girl doesn't mean that if I try to..."impress" Naib means i like him!"

"You totally like him." She said laughing.

I felt soon embarrassed cause I didn't even know the answer! Did I like him? I don't even know why I did even try to be his friend..I dont care what people think of me..but I for some reason cared about what he did for some reason..wow this is a lot.

"Okay okay then..maybe I..do like him. Geez I don't think so though."

"Okay you two can stop this, how about we all start spitting up before the others come back because it will soon be a mess."

After she said that everyone nodded. I  hope I never hear that question again. Or that answer I said. I'm glad she said something before the other two said something else.

But them emma called me over

"Hey norts! Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Oh..yeah sure?"

I walked over to Emma.

"So hayyyyyyyy. I got another big question for youuuu!!"

"Oh god please don't be another stupid one."

"Its not don't worry!! But uh..can I call you brother?"


"You heard me! Can I call you brother?!"

"Uhm..sure..but why?"

"Because we look pretty similar and after what I've seen of you we kinda act alike! And now that I know your a homo...hehe...I wanna be close! But in a sibling way! That kay?"


"Kay than! Seeya bro!"

After saying that she walked away. Leaving me in shock in two ways. With BOTH her questions. This is just a lot for a poor prospector like me...I need sleep.


OMG YOUR FAV CREATOR IS ALIVE??? for a week mwuhhahhhhgh anyways this was like kinda short but I wanted to add that stuff because it's gonna be alittle detail for lataaaa

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