5. Wow...

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As I walked around the garden looking at the flowers, at the corner of my eyes I noticed a green figure, with brown hair, and they looked very nice, until I noticed who it was..

Naib Fucking Subedar.

Wow. I can't believe how nice he looked with his hood down.

I slowly got up and approached the figure, until he turned his head around.

"What the-"

"Hi. Sorry if I probably scared you- but I just wanted to say, yiu look very very nice with your hair down Subedar."

"Oh, well thanks then."

As i complimented him, I noticed he looked like he was maybe embarrassed a little, but I thought now was the time to actually get to know him,

"So, Subedar, what did you do before you came here?"

"Me? Well, I used to be a mercenary but im done with that, how about you, what did you do before you came here Norton?"

"Well, I used to be in a big mining area, but there was a big accident and uhm...well, I guess I'm the only one who survived to this day."

"Oh my, I'm sorry about that. I had something in my past like that, so I know how you feel."

After that little conversation, we kind of sat in silence for a second or two, it was very awkward.

"So I'm guessing that's how you got your giant scar?"

He surprised me when he suddenly spoke.

"You are correct Subedar."

"I always am."

After he said that I heard alittle chuckle, why did I find it kind of cute? Why did I? What did I just feel??? I JUST KINDA MET THIS MAN WHATAYAJBSMSJAKSNSJNESJJSHEJE.

Don't mind that, I'm better now.

"I apologize, but im gonna get going Norton, I hope we can have a better conversation sometime soon."

"Yes I hope so to, see you around Subedar!"

"You know, you can just call me Naib.'

As he said that he put on his hood and would leave, and left me feeling for some reason kind of happy that I even had a conversation with him. Why did I??? He's not like famous or something like that? Maybe it's because he just looks so nice.

I'm now realizing I sounded like a fangirl. Norton the fangirl, fanboy? Let's go with that.


Later on after I finish my last matches, I just head to my own room to relax for a little while before Miss Dyer would call me for Dinner. So I take some time to get some shut eye.

A little thought went threw my head before I fell to my nap,

Would I consider Naib a Friend now?

As I woke up to Miss Dyer calling me a sleepy head and waking me up.

As I go down to eat, I notice almost 8 people where missing, so I asked.

"Where did half of the people go?"

"Oh? Well some of them are doing a duo hunter match, it's where it's like 2x a normal match, with 2 hunters, 8 survivors, and 7 ciphers, it's pretty easy, and they thought it would be fun."

As miss Dyer said that I nodded and would sit down.

After explaining to me, Miss Dyer Starts handing out food to everyone, including herself.

But...as I ate my food, I felt a gaze on me, but I didn't figure out who it was.


Werid amr?????????????????

Anyways sorry to the few viewers about the delay I've just been busy lols
Anyways enjoy this ig

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