Husten we have a hostage situation!

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As I was walking down the street, I heard some of my classmates talking to each other and I didn't quite care who it was for now. All I knew was that this was my next level and so I just walked out not even carrying if they could see me or not. This was after all just a game. There was no game over in real life. I was sure to make this one a win for sure.

Sero: What the-



Your expression!

What's wrong with ya?!


Did you see a ghost or something?

Come on this outfit is soo good!

I am even considering weaing it as my hero costume!

Me: Oh hello there, didn't see ya.

Ejiro: Bro, let her down.



You want her?

Sure here you go!

Me: Oh, your wish is my command.

Just like that I threw her at them before charging at Ejiro. I knew his quirk as well as the other quirks quite well so evading wasn't the problem. However dealing with it was more of a problem. My quirk was only getting me charged up and having a high capacity for voltage but I could also increase the charging in my output electricity.

The moment I threw her towards the guys, I also used rat at them and I wasn't dumb. I knew that they were pretty much grounded and isolated which means I had to get them close if I wanted to electrocute them good. So what I did was basically run, then slide on the ground and throw Ejiro off his feet in a very quick maner.

This is easy.

Yo did someone put this on easy mode or did they just think I am really exptremly dumb!

Like bro!

I am not dumb!

I am not stupid!

Not at all.

Now let's see how you like this charging bolt.

The moment he starting falling, I grabbed his leg and used my quick to get some charged up energy into him. Seeing as he started to shake a bit was enough to know that I got him good and knowing that there was another one there, I immediately jumped back to my feet looking at Sero before making a flip and sending some charging bolts at the man.

Me: Peng!

While I had a lot of charging bolts as decoys I also had one that was aimed at Tsu who was kinda my hostage but also not. She was still in the game from my view point so I hit her first before focusing on Sero.


Well he sent his tape over to me and let's just say I learned one thing or two from Izuku. He told me to grab it and use my charging to make sure that the tape wouldn't quite stick to me. It was the magnetic field that I could make around myself that could even make his tape repel. It usually was already charged with some energy and all I had to do was actually charge myself up with the oporit polarity and the tape wouldn't work but I could grab it.

So I did what Izuku suggested and told me once for training.


Didn't thought this would work.

I thought the charged up tape was bullshit.

Well look at this.

The tape tries to avoide me.

This actually makes it pretty easy.

I like this.

Now come here!

Just like that I grabbed the tape and pulled him over to me where I could punch him in the face. I had enough of this guy babysitting me that I needed to get it out of my system and yes the punch was intended and it felt soo good.

Me: Alright, good night Sero.

That was all I said before punching him in the guts whihc knocked him out in combination with my quirk. I kinda felt guilty doing this to him..... or not. Who was I kidding. I didn't felt guilty at all. I felt pretty good and I was hyped too.

Me: Let's see who's next....

I wonder what Izu is doing.

Too bad he isn't here....

I would have loved to go up agai- nope!

That's a stupid idea.

He would get full out and lose himself in a fight with this theme.




I don't need that at all.


I am not tired of living yet.

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