
15 0 0

started: 6/23/2022

ended: july 1st, 2022

edited: july 1st



the sun, like a fussy baby unwilling to go to sleep, hung over the mountainous landscape. the skies were blanketed with the cool blue, fiery orange and soft pink. the sunset casted a soft, bronze light over the homes and businesses of seoul. 

the street lights illuminated the sidewalk, where the chaotic, noisy crowd walked on to enter the restaurant. 

the collective sit at their reserved table after some chat with the waitress at the front entrance. their chatter ensue as they talk amongst themselves, dusting off the lint that scattered onto their suits and dresses.

the lights crew hang up their beam poles and the filming crew nestle into the corner of the space, clicking the gopros and 4k cameras onto the tripods and tables respectively. 

SEOKMIN pulls the seat across from his open, gesturing the woman to take a seat. she folds her dress into her backside before sitting. a soft grin makes its way on her face as she thanks him. this earns him a lot of embarrassing commotion. 

"aye." they stretch, loving the way his face contorts into a soft red. 

"seokmin-ah. stop flirting with the producer!" HOSHI exclaims, a shit-eating grin masking his face. 

"i wasn't flirting!" he emphasizes. "it's good manners." he grumbles before scanning the menu.

the woman laughs softly, leaning forward and flicking her eyes to observe her environment. 

the mahogany table is coated in a creme tablecloth, littered with perfectly placed cutlery and dining plates. MINGHAO sat on her left, WONWOO on her right, and JIHOON across from her. 

the talking kickstarted again. this time, SEUNGCHEOL and MINGYU were arguing about something that happened at the dorms. 

"and then boom!" one of them emphasizes, starting a new wave of chaos. seungcheol yells while he laughs. mingyu laughs hard at the development of the situation and bangs his fist on the table. the other members laugh as well, clapping their hands and choking on their saliva.

HAOYU is busy examining the camera. 

"yah, haoyu-ya!" SEUNGKWAN calls, his gaze suspicious. "you weren't playing attention, were you?" all eyes fall on her. 

"mingyu wanted to show that he's a dominant man... whatever the fuck that means." VERNON shrugs, earning him laughs. 

"oh shit. sorry, i wasn't." she replies, her feline eyes innocent. 

"noona, you're so cute." the youngest responds, watching the scene play in front of him. she flicks her hand downwards, as if to say "no im not." 

"ya, but it's been what? like seven months with our haoyu." JEONGHAN held a reminiscent look in his eyes as his brown ones fell on her face. "you guys remember how awkward her and jihoon were?"

a chorus of "ahs" fill the room. jihoon has an indescribable look on his face, the blush creeping up his neck. haoyu only smiles uncomfortably. memories were beginning to surface. 

"it was very troublesome to work alongside someone who denied my help and deemed me a nuisance." the girl began, fiddling with her thumbs. "but i understand and forgive him." 

"i'm sorry, haoyu." jihoon flashes her a guilty look. "i was insecure and arrogant. i do feel bad about how i treated you." 

"it's okay, truly. let's just move forward and compose really good tracks in the future." she gives him a smile. "ahhh, our haoyu is so nice." mingyu complimented. 

"you guys are nice too." her eyes flitter to the members. "you guys are my.. family" she murmurs, growing embarrassed with the looks of anticipation. actually, this many people looking at her makes her nervous.

"so cute!" everybody exclaims. 

"noona, please my heart will burst if you keep being that cute." the youngest exasperates. 

"my heart already belongs to haoyu-ya."  the flirtatious male sends haoyu a wink, earning a slap on the back and mutters of disapproval from those around him. 

minghao smiles softly at her posture. her elbow is resting on the table. her hand is positioned to cover the spreading blush on her face. feeling the heat on his own, his hand trembles over from his lap to her leg where her other arm rested. 

resting his palm on the back of her hand, he shifts her palm upwards to embrace his with hers. his fingers press into hers, moving his chair closer to hide the scene from the rolling cameras.

their eyes met. the blush already glossed over his cheeks as he flashes her a boyish grin. her mouth hangs open for a bit before she turns away and squeezes his hand as if to say, "you're so cute."

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