Guilt and sorrow

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Simon nods and I rush to finish what I was eating, before we speed walk to the main area. Negan and Carl are stood up on the balcony's, Carl is holding Lucille. "You know the deal. What's about to happen is gonna be hard to watch." He says with a frown on his face. Negan continues and I notice there is a young boy dripping with sweat. I think something is going to happen to him and I feel a rush of guilt. I eye Carl up and he moves forward with Negan. Everyone says "the rules keep us alive." Simon pulls me further into the crowd and eventually we end up at the front. He tells me to kneel and I do exactly that as, well, everyone is kneeling. I see that the man is tied to a chair. I'm really worried about what's going to happen. "On your feet." Negan finishes. We all stand and he continues down the stairs with Carl following behind.

Negan puts his hand in a rubber glove and Dwight hands him a burning hot iron. The boy is now hyperventilating, I want to shout stop but it'd make things worse than it already is. Negan gets closer and presses the hot iron on the side of the young man's face. He screams in agony and I refuse to watch. Simon tries to grab me, like I'm forced to watch Negan do such a horrible thing, but I'm already gone.

I run outside, I can still hear the poor boys deathly screams echo through the walls of the sanctuary. I need to get Carl home. I want to go home too. I don't want to stay here with Negan, he is psychotic and he doesn't know how to deal with problems. To him the only way to deal with a problem is to kill someone.

The screaming stops. I hope he hasn't died. I want to go back but I'm scared of what I'll see. 'Oh my gosh, I left Carl there, to watch that horrible shit.' I realised.

I rush back. The doctor is tending to the boy's wounds. Negan and Carl are no where to be seen. I figure they may be in Negan's bedroom so I run there. I push open the door. Negan is sat, writing in a notepad while Carl is just sat there. I hadn't realised before, but his eye-patch is off. They both look at me but then they look at eachother once again. "Why haven't you killed me?" Carl asks. "Or my dad, or Daryl?"
"Daryl... is gonna make a good soldier for me. You see he thinks he's holding it together, but you saw it. Your dad? He's already getting me great stuff. You, on the other hand..." Negan explains. "What about me?" I interject before he can continue. He smirks at me and points at the chair. "You my dear, you mean a-lot to me. And I want you, to be one of my wives." He tells me. I give him a look of disgust. Only an idiot would be his wife. Especially when he has several.

"I'm taking Carl home, I won't come back either." I tell him. "Now hold on there y/n, how about we go for a ride?" He says as he stands up while picking up Lucille. I put my arm around Carl and we follow Negan. We pile into a truck, I put Carl furthest away from Negan. He shouts for Daryl and as Dwight takes him away, throws his middle finger up at him. I'm not sure what they talked about.

The truck begins to move on the gravel driveway.

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