Wasted away

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"Hold on, I'll do your back." Negan says to me. I turn around for him and hear him stick his hands into the open walker corpse. I then felt his strong hands wipe guts on my back. I remember when we had to do this with everyone at Alexandria. The whole massacre of Carl's eye. "Doesn't get better, no matter how many times you do it." I say. Negan let's out a chuckle. I can see Gabriel praying- once Negan finishes here I'll help Gabriel out. "You done yet? You've been doing this for about 3 minutes." I ask.
"Don't rush me. I don't want you to get hurt. You need to be safe." Negan insisted. I sighed and continued to let him do his thing.

Once Negan had finished, I covered his back and moved on to help Gabriel. "We'll be fine. Just don't make any sudden movements and stay together." I assure him. He continued to pray when I slathered him in the wasted. We all smelt like shit. At the end of the day, whatever you gotta do to protect yourself, just do it. "Let's make some noise." Negan chuckled. We all began shouting and banging on the walls, making as much noise as possible.

Negan offered to open the door and exit first. I decided to follow last to make sure Gabriel stays safe. We stepped out into the herd. One by one. We were all tightly packed together by the walkers demand. Me and Gabriel followed Negan. The growling and the moaning was unsettling but all we could do was keep moving. Negan managed to get up the stairs when Gabriel tripped. I pulled my knife out, stabbing any walker coming to attack us and pushed Gabriel forward onto the stairs. Once I got up, I shut the stair gate.

We took a minute to watch the wasted move. "How many do you think there are? I bet around 600." Negan considered. I pushed past both of them and entered the sanctuary.

We made our way up the stairs. They felt unstable but I knew we'd be fine. Negan was leading us. I could hear distant shouting from above us. Negan began his signature whistle with a bright smile on his face. As we turned the corner, everybody was kneeling. Me and Gabriel thought it was smart to do the same. Negan pointed Lucille at who I presumed was Simon, "I've gotta have a little conversation with my right-hand man." I saw Eugene and at that moment a prisoner thanked Negan. "Gentlemen, gently take them to number 1 and 2. Gently." Negan ordered.

Me and Gabriel were picked up and taken to the cells where I once was. We got separated into different cells but there was probably a way to get out together.

I could hear talking in Gabriel's cell next to me. Then I heard the locks releasing in mine. The rusty door opened to reveal Eugene holding two pillows. "Gabriel has gone to doctor Carson 2.0. He should be fine but I assumed you would like to know." I looked at Eugene and got up to take the pillows out of his hands. "You gonna get me outta here or what?" I asked impatiently.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. I don't have the authority and I don't want to get on the bad said of Negan, for he takes care of me and supplies me with anything I need." Eugene jabbered. I glared at him before I rested my head on the pillow. "I'll give you an update on Gabriel, however, he said he was going to try to get Maggie's doctor out of here." He finished. I nodded and Eugene turned around to leave. The door shut with a clank and the locks clicked back in place. "This is gonna be a long day." I sighed.

I shut my eyes. Maybe this time Negan would actually care for me better. Or just let me go. Probably not. He'd want me to work for him, or even be his 'wife'. That was not going to happen. Hopefully Gabriel gets out alive. Hopefully I am safe, and hopefully everyone at home is safe aswell. It was a good effort. When we were going through the horde, part of me hoped Negan would die. The other part hoped he would live.

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