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"He's not coming." I said to myself. I let out a loud sigh before going to pack all the food I bought away. I bought his favourite and he didn't even bother showing up. I was so frustrated. I bent down to put the alcohol and sauces in the fridge. I thought about what I was going to have for dinner tomorrow. I reached up to open the cabinets, so I could put everything else away. That was when I felt a pair of strong hands wrap around my stomach. I froze in place and I felt my heart beat faster. I reach over to the knife splayed out on the counter, and quickly spin around, threatening the mysterious person.
"Woah, ho, ho. Relax! Seems we have someone else with beach ball sized lady nuts." Negan chuckled while putting his hands up in peace.
"What? How did you get in?" I sighed, "I could have killed you."
"Well you didn't, and if you did, well, you'd be in a lot of trouble. Also, you left your door unlocked." He responded. I placed the knife into the knife block.

"I literally just put the food away. I bought your favourite snacks." I sigh in disappointment.
"It's fine darlin', we can get them later if we get hungry." He says, winking at me. I push him out the way and jump onto the bed. He walked towards me and got onto the bed with me, he opened his arms for me to peacefully lay in. I closed my eyes allowing myself to fall asleep when I heard Negan begin talking.
"Listen, I have something to tell you." He says.
"Right?" I respond confused.
"Tomorrow we're going to Alexandria and-" he was cut off by me.
"Really? Can I come?" I say excitedly.
"Yeah darlin', but it's about Sasha." He begins, "now I don't want you to be afraid, she's okay, but tomorrow she'll be in a coffin, she'll be alive I promise. It's just a warning for that group." Negan explained.
"Well you make it send like I should be worried but okay..." I say in a nervous tone. He pulled me closer towards him. I could smell the strong scent of his cologne. He began to run his fingers through my hair.

"Why'd you kill them? What made you want to be such a dick?" I questioned. He let out a chuckle.
"This really what you want to talk about?" He asked.
"Yep." I respond
"I have no reasons, it's the new world order darlin'." He replied.
"No, no it's not. You took Abe away from me, you took Glenn from Maggie, you took-." I was interrupted by him.
"Now you just stop there. Do you think I did it for fun? I did it for authority y/n." He grunted, "because that is was the new world order calls for, a leader with huge balls, unlike someone I know." I looked at him in an annoyed way, as per usual. He looked at me with an angry look.

He began to start getting up and pushing me away.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"Nowhere you should know." He responded. I heard him mutter, "shouldn't have came." I grabbed him while he stood putting his leather jacket on.
"You don't get to say that, I waited for you when I didn't have to, because I care about you and I want to get every moment I can with you." I snapped. He turned my way and gave me a look of guilt before quickly changing it to a smirk. He pulled me towards him and looked deep into my eyes. He lifted my chin and gently kissed me. He then pushed me onto the bed, and towered over me before locking our lips together once more. I shut my eyes so I could enjoy this moment. However it just made me feel guilty. Images of Abraham and Glenn appeared in my mind.

My eyes shot open and I pushed Negan away.
"What? Are you okay?" Negan asked. I nodded.
"Can we just go to sleep? I know we were gonna hang out but, I guess I'm too excited for tomorrow." I told him.
"Yeah darlin'. Sure we can." Negan said with a generous smile but I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I whisper. He grabs me around my waist and lifts me up. He then placed me on the left side of the bed before wrapping the blanket around me. He comes to lay next to me shortly after, wrapping his arm around me and kissing me goodnight.

A few minutes later I heard soft snores as he had fallen asleep incredibly quickly. I thought once more about the image that had previously appeared in my mind. "I miss you Abe, you too Glenn and Denise." I mutter as tears fall, gently onto the white, fluffy pillow my head rests on.

I close my eyes. Exhaustion had finally caught up to me. I hope nothing bad happens tomorrow, I hope Sasha is okay, and I hope everyone else back home is okay.

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