Goodbye, for awhile

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"Shit! What the shit?" Negan exclaimed in an incredibly scary manner. "Shit! You tried to kill me?" He continued as Arat pushed Rosita down on the ground. He was pacing, swinging Lucille all around. "You shot lucille!" He yelled. "She just got in the way." Rosita protested as a knife was pressed against her throat.
The atmosphere was tense and he clouds got greyer than before, like it was about to rain. Negan picked up some sort of 'home-made' bullet. "What is this?" He badgered. I looked beside me, at Carl, he was shaking and you could see the fear in his eyes. Negan realised it had been made from scratch. "You may be stupid, darlin' but you showed some real ingenuity here." He insisted. He ordered Arat to move her knife onto Rosita's face instead.- you could tell how scared she was.
Negan began to interrogate Rosita on who made the bullet. The first person who came to my mind was Eugene. He's smart, he shows aspects of being interested in engineering, he's close with Rosita and he had most of the supplies needed.
Rosita responded, "it was me, I made it." Though Negan could see through her lies and continued to get much angrier. Arat cut Rosita's cheek. "Oh! You're such a badass!" Negan fumed. "Arat, kill somebody." My eyes widen and my hands lift to cover the shock shown by my mouth. Tears filled my eyes as I saw Arat swiftly move her sim towards Olivia and pull the trigger. "No!" Rosita shrieked.- I did the same. Carl ducked and I rushed to somehow help Olivia. She lay in a pool of her blood. Her skin becoming white by the second, and her body temperature dropping already. I grasped her hands in mine and held tightly. I hear Rick talk to Negan but I'm too upset and scared to even listen. Olivia didn't deserve this. No one deserves their fate when it is handed in such a violent and unfair way.
Tears stream down my face and I decide that I'm not going to stay around. I decided I was going to pack my bags and leave. Not to run and hide, but to destroy Negan and the saviours.

I ran inside the house, grabbing everything that may be of use to me. I decided I was going to go out the back door, as it seemed much more convenient and less suspicious.

It took me about 15 minutes to gather my stuff. I got distracted looking out the windows. Just staring at the remains of Spencer. Rick had stabbed him in the head due to him turning.- His intestines had almost completely fallen out.
I took one last look outside. Negan was gone and I could see some of his people taking stuff from houses and our storage rooms. My people were all trying to distract themselves of what had just happened. I sigh and collect my rucksack from the bed; it was heavy but the heavier the better. 'I need to see Rick before I leave, I think he's in the jail.' I assume. I leave the room, and make sure I have everything when I hear Judith crying. I go inside the nursery and see her trying to get a teddy bear that's fallen outside her crib. I pick her up, along with the brown, slightly ripped bear and hand it to her. She laughs and latches her tiny hands onto the toy. I then decide I'll take Judith to Rick.

I headed towards the prison, trying my best not to be seen. Once I finally get down the stairs I see Rick and Michonne hugging. Rick looks at me and a show him a warm smile, encouraging him to take his time.

I continue to entertain Judith outside. I didn't think I should eavesdrop into their conversation, but i left my bag in the prison so i could sit, worry free. I see Negan talking to Eugene in the distance. Neither of them noticed me but I have a strong feeling that Eugene is going to get taken to the sanctuary.

A few minutes later, Michonne finally comes out of the prison. "You can go see him now." She says as she gives me a bright smile. I nod and smile back at her, just before getting up to go down the stairs to the prison.

"Hey Rick." I said in a causal tone. "Hey, how is she." He queried. "She's been good, she had some food earlier, and she had her afternoon nap. She was a bit upset because she dropped her teddy bear on the floor but I've sorted that out." I revealed. "And what has Negan been doing?" Rick asked. "Well he held her for awhile, he's the one who made the dinner, as you probably already know." I responded. "I mean, has he been up to anything else?" He quizzed. "Oh, uh no, no he's been with me most of the time and the times I wasn't, Carl was with him." Rick nodded back at me. I handed Judith over to him as I assumed he wanted some time with her. "Where are you going?" Rick asked as he pointed at my bag. "I'm going to take out Negan. Whether I die while doing it or not, he does not get to treat us like this! And he doesn't get to live happily ever after!" I declared. "Y/n, you don't need to do this, not by yourself." He responded. "Rick, I'll be okay, I'm going to head to hilltop and speak to Sasha and Jesus, then I'm going to make my way to the sanctuary. I'll be safe, he won't be able to get me, and if he does then don't worry." I vowed. "No, you're not going! If we're going to fight him we need to do it together y/n." He explained. I sighed at him. I could see hurt in his eyes. I wasn't going to let him stop me, we need to end this.
I backed up and picked my bag off of the cold floor. "I'll be back soon, and if I'm not, thank you for everything." I said while smiling, tears forming in my eyes. I left him in the cold, dark room and left, ready for my turn to attempt revenge on Negan.

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