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Addies POV
I've been working at seattle grace a month now and I still know no one really (partly due to the fact that I got the other attendings to hate me by saying OB is more important than surgery). Meredith still won't talk to me about what happened and I fucking hate the rain here. I mean it just never stops. "Hey Amanda," I say. "It's miranda and what," bailey says. In new York I never talked to residents unless I absolutely had to but here I have no one. Plus here bailey is basically treated like chief of surgery for gods sake. "So I was wondering if you'd want to go to joes tonight?" I ask. "And why, would you, a high and mighty attending want drinks with me?" She says. "Because... you seem friendly," I lie. "Fine," she says.

A few hours later
"I'm an attractive, young women right Amanda," I say. "Once again, it's miranda," she says bored. If I had been sober I would have noticed she was bored and let her leave, but I was drunk. And drunk me doesn't give a fuck. "I mean I'm an attending, meredith is just an intern. Any intern would be lucky to get with me." "Wait, meredith grey, my intern," bailey says. "Yes who else would it be," I reply. "I'm not getting caught up in this," bailey says, leaving.

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