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Jaemin's secret was safe last year. Not until a pureblood Jeno gets enrolled in his course. Jaemin hates him from the very start as everything's now ruined. On top of that, being around the pureblood wakes up something that Jaemin tries to avoid.


The breakup turned out to be way more complicated than Jaemin thought. To him, it was really nothing, just a typical phrase of "I'm breaking up with you" after all the feelings went away. Then each of them should go their own way and avoid acting petty.

However, Jaemin's now ex-boyfriend caused a scene. He started shouting, getting the attention that Jaemin never wanted this early in the morning.

"How dare you?" Hyunwoo yelled, his voice echoing on the campus, creating yet another scene for curious people to witness. "You waited for the new year just to break up with me on the first day of the semester! You bastard!"

Jaemin just stared at the omega as he took a sip of his morning coffee, too tired and unbothered to deal with this bullshit. That must've pissed the other male off, therefore he tiptoed and slapped Jaemin. The boy barely reacted as he was used to slaps. The only thing that annoyed him was that he spilled his coffee.

It couldn't be said about other people. Those who gathered around gasped but continued watching the breakup drama.

"You're not breaking up with me," Hyunwoo shouted even louder. "I'm breaking up with you!"

"It's the same, though," Jaemin couldn't help but groan. "One way or another, we're not together anymore."

Jaemin walked away before the omega could say or do something more. He kind of expected to be attacked from behind, because Hyungwoo was just like that, but his ex-boyfriend seemed to give up. Or maybe he didn't want to cause another scene. Pretty much everyone will know about the public breakup, mostly because it involved Jaemin. Doing something more would only make the situation even worse.

Trying to clear his head, Jaemin looked at the building he was heading to. He succeeded to divert his mind from the breakup to something else but instead, other uncomfortable thoughts got in his head. Jaemin wasn't that surprised when he felt the anxiety coming back just as his eyes locked on the building. Even before he stepped inside, he felt the smell of all the lecture halls and auditoria classrooms. That made him nervous. Jaemin knew that he will have to cope with everything for another year. He felt like he wasn't ready.

The boy got annoyed that not only did the breakup ruin his day but now all those negative emotions too. Jaemin tried to calm himself down, so he stopped walking just so that he could take a huge sip of his coffee and then close his eyes.

"Excuse me."

Jaemin cursed under his breath. Oh, how he wanted that whoever talked just now to either do that to someone else or walk away. However, Jaemin knew that it was meant for him as the voice was directed right at him.

Unwillingly opening his eyes, Jaemin locked them on another student who kept a safe distance, perhaps, checking out if he will be asked to stay away or not. Jaemin found that confusing, especially when he was sure that he could smell the scent of an alpha coming from the stranger. Why was he so considerate?

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