Chapter 3. Lunch Time!!!!

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We walked to the cafeteria together, Lets go to to that table there after you get your food from the lunch area I got something to tell you allie said, I said ok I went to the cafeterias lunch area and it some food it wasn't that great just some soup with chips 
I thought to myself why do they give us this stuff yuck. I *went over to the table where abbie was sitting* I *sat down near her* hey a- she said something first tho sorry she said for interrupting you, Your fine Continue I said.

Anyways she said you know I thought You telling that boy to stop and yelling at him was pretty brave that boy is a bully to everyone. I said Oh I-I um Thank you I had a nervous feeling no girls ever said that to me before I said, she said well I'm glad to be the first winking a eye at me. I *blushed like a red strawberry* Your blushing she said and *giggled* she said I don't bite and *giggled more* I thought to myself this girl is gorgeous like she's really pretty she looks popular from her looks and personality, Whats she want with me I wondered im just a geeky kid who loves jurassic park and video games. She said you alright, I said yeah I'm just a bit tired. She said then get some rest *saying jokingly*, wanna um I said, She said yea what is it? Wanna go out I mean um hang out, Yeah we can go out where you wanna go 
We could study or hang at my house I said. Ok, how about later today at like 5:00? 

Oki got it she said. The bell rung again, A couple classes later its the end of the school day, I went out the schools front door with Allie it was near 5:00 so she said she offered me a ride to my house when her dad picks her up. Ok I said, A black colored Ford mustang 2022 Edition, Drove in front of the school.

That's my dad Abbie said, Ok I went towards the car with Allie, The window rolled down on The front Right side of the car, A man was inside he had black slick hair and a business work outfit. Whos this the man said? He's my freind Allie said I offered him a ride to his house he invited me to hang out with him and study Dad. Ok hop in her Dad said. I got in the back seat with abbie where you live allie said, I live on River Street. Ok Dad he lives in river street abbie said, ok her dad said well get him home so you guys can hang out. Something shiny catches my eye when her dad said he'll get me home he had a logo on his outfit I new I seen that logo somewhere??? Hmm? I Thought to myself. 20 mins of awkward silence later. Were here her dad said. Me and abbie got out of the car, Be at the house for dinner her dad said, Allie said ok I wont be late, Thanks for the ride I told her dad. No problem kiddo her dad said as he drove off.

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