Chapter 5

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You guys thank you so much June 23 is now among top 60 of Nigerian stories.😁

I barely slept last night from fear so I was glad when it got brighter and I got up to brush my teeth.

When I got there I looked in the mirror and boldly I saw "MURDERER" written in something like blood.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to think happy thoughts, I opened my eyes and it was gone.

Then someone whispered my name "Nifè" I turned but no one was there then another whisper "Zainab" and the last which I hated the most "Murderer".

I ran out of the bathroom calling my mom but there was no response.

I ran to her room she wasn't there, Ayomi and my other siblings weren't in their rooms either.

I ran to the door but it was locked then I searched for my phone and found a text from mom.

My world: You were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I'm taking Ayomi and Jordan back to school and Seun is on his way to his house too.

No no no, I tried to call but there was no network. I mean like how is that even possible, there is always network in network in Abuja.

The lights started fluctuating so I ran to my room and closed the door. It was dark really dark despite the fact this was in the morning.

I tried to feel my way through but my hands started to feel something rope like and stick. Wait is that cobweb...eww.

All of a sudden several eyes illuminated in the darkness and they started moving closer.

I got up and ran to the bathroom so I could splash water on my face but when I turned on the tap I saw blood not water coming out.

I had to much fear in me to even cry and when I looked up into the mirror I saw something that made my blood run cold.

Zainab was right beside me with blood dripping from her forehead and she smiled.

I ran out again and started hearing laughter from every direction doors were opening and shutting and as I got to my rooms I saw my books being thrown off shelves and opened by no one.

I left for the parlor and found the Tv on with ghostly images and skeletons on the screen do I returned to my room.

It was bright again and everything was back to normal. I sat on my bed and sighed.

I turned to my shelf and found two Barbies holding each other's neck. I didn't put that there

They both turned systematically to screaming "murderer!" I stood up and walked towards my dressing table they both sat down facing each other.

The first one said "hey do you know the latest gist?" "No, what?" The second replied "Nifè. Murdered. Zainab"

I cried out "No I didn't it was a mistake and it wasn't even my fault." They ignored me and started chanting "Murderer. Murdered.Murderer"

"No I'm not stop it...what in the world is wrong with me why am I even talking to dolls." I took a step back and bumped into someone who pushed me and I sprained my ankle.

I turned and saw a bloody hand which apparently didn't belong to my body.

It started moving towards me, I screamed but when I was about to move away a gigantic spider started approaching from the other side. Oh God I hate spiders.

I leaped from the ground quickly and ran resting most of the effort on one foot.I ran to my mom's room and shit the door.

I leaned on it relieved untill I heard Zainab voice behind me "hello" "aaaahhhh!!" I screamed but she only laughed at me blood was still pouring from her head.

She started talking as I looked at her with fear. "You know, I've always told myself that even if it was the last thing I do I would ruin you and it's literally happening now. You are a murderer. You murdered me. Me the innocent little Zainab, then you hid me and ran away. What do you think Aishat will think of that. Korede your lover boy too and Florence and Wakeel your partner in crime."

"All of them even even your family will hate you and look at you with judging eyes. They won't see pretty little innocent and intelligent Nifè anymore instead they'll see..."

Her face lost colour and her eyes rolled back and her hair turned white, believe me it was the creepiest sight ever "A murderer" she whispered.

I repeated the word 'no' so many times in my head trying to block her out as I ran out.

I headed to the parlour and found the necklace Ire got for me that had a cross at the end so I grabbed it and held onto it for dear life and luckily nothing creepy happened again.

Then I heard a honk outside so I ran to the window and saw my mom and sister coming. My heart swelled with joy.

I threw the necklace on the couch and ran to open the door for them. They came in before my brain started working well.

Something was off. My mom couldn't possibly have dropped by siblings and returned this early and why was Ayomi with her.

"Nife Omo mi!" (Nife my child) my mom said as she stretched her hands to hug me but I didn't respond then Ayomi spoke up.

"Look mom, it seems she smarter than we thought just a bit to slow for her good though." "Yes oo she is isn't she"

Immediately their faces changed to that of Zainab as they started moving closer with me moving backward.

I tried running despite my hurt ankle but I fell and was dragged towards them as I searched desperately for something to hold unto.

They held me and dragged me to my room and tied me to a chair before saying "We have done it master" and it was untill then that I saw Zainab sitting comfortably on my bed.

With no wounds at all which actually wasn't the scary part which is she looks exactly like me in jeans and a crop top that I recognize as mine.

Her ponytail was high like how I do mine but the only part that remained same was her eyes that same lifeless witch like look.

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