Chapter 6

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Those that brought me left so it was just me and her in the room. She got up and walked towards my wardrobe. Opened it flipped through the clothes and even smelt some.

Then she sat at my dressing table and looked at her self in the mirror her fingers sliding down her face "Don't I look pretty?" She asked me but I stayed silent.

She got up layed on my bed and stretched "what a wonderful life you live, I always wandered how it would be to be in your shoes and now it's finally come to pass.

She got up and pushed the chair I was on into my wardrobe then put a wide rectangular mirror with gold rims on my lap.

"So you see I'm about to go explore and see life your view or however you would like to put it and while I'm at it I will think of the perfect slow and torturous death to give you."

"But while I'm enjoying my day... or your day, I won't want you to  miss out so you get to watch all that's happening from this very mirror and you can't do a thing about it"

She taped my mouth shut,closed the closet and left.

My mom arrived and she ran there "Mommy welcome" Zainab said as she hugged my mom making me irritated.

"Thank you Kate, bami gbe kini lo sinus yara mi" (help me take this to my room) she told her handing her a bag but Zainab just stared confused.

You see the thing is Zainab is Hausa not Yoruba so she didn't understand what my mom said.

If my mouth wasn't taped shut I would have laughed. My mom got annoyed that she just stood there and shouted at her "abi eti e di ni(are you deaf) I said take it to my room!".

"Oh ok ma" she ran to my mom's room and dropped before returning to say "mommy I'm going to Florence house"

"Okay but be careful news got to us that since after graduation Zainabs parents have been looking for her so please be careful olorun oni jeka sunkun Omo oo(I pray God won't allow me to cry over my own child)" "okay ma"

She left for Florence house. When she knocked it was Amara Florence elder sister that opened the door and I don't think she knows her but she just played along when she said "ahah Nifè long time no see" then she hugged her.

"Florence!" Nife shouted as she saw Florence approaching and Florence that was smiling at her before suddenly looked confused.

"Are we fighting?" She asked her "no now why?" "You rarely call me my name it's usually Fulo or Flokeel" "oh yeah I wasn't paying attention let's go to Korede's house"

"Umm are you are feeling well" "yes ofcourse what again?" "Have you forgotten that Korede spends his Saturdays at Wakeels house?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot let's go there" "ooor we can just ask him to send his driver and pick us,are you sure there is nothing going on?" She asked looking at Zainab with a weird face.

"No I'm I'm fine seriously, but please call him I forgot my phone at home." "Okay" Florence called him and I silently prayed that she would decipher what was going on.

When they got to Wakeels house she told Korede that she wanted to see him personally so he took her to Wakeels room.

"Where is your bracelet?" he asked her. "Oh well I took a shower and forgot to put it back on" "it's real gold it's not like it can fade if you take a shower but that's okay"

"Oh I didn't know that" "so what did you want to see me for?".
"Oh yeah about that, are we dating?" She asked

"Uh no you clearly told me no when I asked. You said you weren't allowed to date" "well what if I changed my mind" "well that would make me the happiest guy on earth"

"Then yes I want to be your girlfriend" "Are you sure about that "Yes" he smiled so big it broke my heart to pieces.

He wanted to hug her but she kissed him instead and what was left of my heart crumbled.

I wanted to stop looking but I couldn't. After their kiss he stared at her surprised and said "who are you and what have you done with Nifè?"

Zainab was terrified as her eyes became wide which made me smile but he just smiled and said "I'm just joking, today is the best day of my life"

What.The.Fuck! Zainab smiled back at him as they got out to join the others. They all seemed to be having and no one noticed that the true me was missing.

At the end of the day Zainab returned and pushed me out of the closet then untied me and ripped of the tape which hurt like crazy.

Then she put me on my bed and left I slowly got up planning my escape when a shadow passed "who's there?" I asked but there was no response instead I started hearing creepy laughters from different directions.

"Nife" someone whispered I turned but there was no one there "Zainabs" still no one as I blocked my ears knowing what was coming next but I was still audible "Murderer"

I got up and ran but a force pushed me back and I fell hitting my head on the wall. My head hurt and I touched the spot it was wet with something thick, it was blood.

My room door slowly creaked open and a bunch of skeletons watched in and trust me they looked nothing like the ones in a biology lab. They were much more creepy and had decayed or disfigured bones in some areas.

Zainab was behind them, she sat on my bed and shouted "halt!" And they stopped immediately. Great so now skeletons are having a march pass in my room.

Then she smiled at me, "hello friend, I finally decided the best and most satisfying to watch death for you, would you like to hear,or we should just go by showing you".

Soooo, June 23rd is slowly coming to an end yeah I know it's short but it's my first horror book do give me a break. Thank you so much to everyone that took their time to read,vote and even comment it means a lot to me 😉.

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