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-third person-

Keith an 18yr old boy and is the son of famous business partners just graduated from University and is now heading home.

He was soo excited that he had graduated from that hell hound of a University.

Well... A little too excited, soo excited to the point he was jumping around.

Of course with with all that bouncing, he was bound to hit someone.

Well he did, while performing his happy ritual, he bumped onto someone's back and of course being weak, tumble back by the sudden hit

said keith while rubbing his back

Did i just hit a pole... A really BIG one?
Or is just someone's back that's as hard as a rock

Once he finally opened his eyes, he saw what they called in their University, the terrible 3.

A girl who was laughing her a** of
A dark skinned boy lending a hand
And a gingered hair boy glaring at him.

That glare sent shiivers down Keith's spine

Don't tell me i bumped into them, out of all people it's just got to be them.
What am i gonna do, i can't get bullied, not now, not outside at least.

Keith knew about them but not their names, how did he not know their names, i guess we'll never know.


As soon as Keith heard that he flinched then turned to face the pink dressed girl

"Watch where your going. FREAK!!, or I'm gonna frickin blow those eyes off of ya pretty face"

"Chill he wasn't looking" said the dark skinned boy.

Then the boy turned to keith

"Here, let me help" said the dark skinned boy lending a hand to Keith

"Uhm, thanks" said keith.
As soon as he got up he started to apologise to the trio in front of him saying...

"I'm soo sorry for bumping into you, i-ᴉ døn't k-ʞ-know, i-ᴉ wasn't l̶o̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶"

"hey hey, it's okay" he said while patting Keith's shoulder

"I'm Darnell by the way, you probably know them by what they do, I'm not really into that high-school shit anymore"
said Darnell while lending his hand. Keith took it, smiling at him he said...

"Yeah... And I'm keith, Keith B.F."

"I know don't need to be soo formal about everything. Hey do you mind if-" he stopped once he heard someone clear their throat

"Oop gotta go, hey mind if I get your number, it'll be cool talking with you"

"Uhm... Sure, why not, just wait a sec let me-"

"Here" said Darnell handing keith a paper and a pen.

Keith took the items and wrote down his name and number.

"Thanks dude, see ya around" said Darnell while waving and walking away.

"Yeah, see you soon" said keith while waving back.

He then thought to himself

Never thought I'd have a friend, and surprisingly at the End Of The School Year.


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