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-third person-

After the whole show down, Keith finally made it home.

Once he entered, he was greeted by the maids who took his bag and other stuff off him, he then went to his parents private living room.

"Hi mom, hi dad" said keith while planting a kiss on his mother's cheek

"Welcome back Keith" said his dad smiling at him

"Welcome back my little blue bird" said Keith's mom hugging him tightly
"so tell me, are you graduated or..."

"Well... Yes i am a graduate" i said proud of my success.

"Congrats my blue bird, your finally a man" said Keith's mom while pinching his cheeks

"Mom" groaned Keith while smiling at her

"Congrats my boy-" said Keith's dad while ruffling his hair,

"-I'm proud of you" he said while smiling at keith

"Thanks dad" said keith while hugging his parents.

Keith's parents love their children, with all their hearts and will do anything to everything just for them.

Months went by after Keith's graduation.

-Keith's POV-

"Morning mom, morning dad"

"Good morning" they both said in unison.

"so, how did you sleep?" asked my mum

"like a King" i said while smiling

"Hey mum i was wondering if-"
i stopped once i saw her face, she looked sad? No, that's not it, uhm... stressed! Worried!

"Mom? Is everything ok?" i asked in a worried tone.

She then looked even more stressed.

D-did i do anything, or is she disappointed in me or...

"Keith i..."she sighed looking to the other side.

" Mom? It's ok, you know you can tell me what the problem is, i can-"

Before i could continue, i was cut off by what she said

" Keith, you're getting engaged"

My heart dropped, me? Engage?

"W-ʍ-why, when, h-ɥ-høw, wh?¿?" i started breathing fast, i was losing it.

"Please keith listen, breath"

I followed her instructions taking in deep breathes and before i knew it, i was calm again.

"ok now to answer your question.
Firstly, because our business is running low and we thought that getting you engaged with a higher business company will work,
we all know it worked for your sister and she was lucky enough it was her boyfriend"

She was right,
Long before i got into University, we started running low, and so my mum thought that maybe if we get paired with a higher business, we might make, and so,
my elder sister Miku got engaged with someone and lucky for her it was her boyfriend, we were first on the 3rd rank but thanks to her we're now 2nd.

"secondly, it was a month ago when we started running low, but we didn't want to let you know we had problems just after a month of graduation"

"Thirdly, we sent an engagement request to the 1st class company and they surprisingly accepted, ... Although we have never saw them with a girl, it's still great that they accepted"

"And lastly it's with...."

1st class? Strange that's uhm what's his name again... Wait it's....

No no no no no no you've got to be kidding me
Not him NOT HIM

"oh you've got to be kidding me, mum of all you chose

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