{2} The Train Ride To Clayhill

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Art by MadCarnival on Tumblr
Your two day wait was over and you were getting ready to meet Harry at the train station. You've gotten your suit case packed for a couple nights so you can stay at Harry's house and get formally acquainted with his friends the people of Clayhill. You were very excited for your trip as evidenced by your heart beating a little faster than usual, but you were mostly excited to see Harry again. Over the past 48 hours he's been on your mind a lot. For such a monotone person he was very kind and open, something you never expected from a person like that.

You got a text on your phone from Harry saying he was on his way to the train station and he will meet you at the main entrance. You texted him back,

'I'll see you in a few minutes! Very excited for this trip ^^'

Hey didn't respond to the text, opting to leave you on read. You grabbed your coat, keys, and bag and headed out the door, ready to start this new adventure!

~ Time Skip To The Train Station ~

You arrived at the stations main entrance and looked around for Harry. It wasn't that hard to find him considering his bright red hair stood out from the crowd. You quickly walked up to him, giving him a wave. He waved back,

"Are you ready to go?"

You clasped your hands together in excitement,

"You bet I am!"

Hey was a bit confused at your enthusiasm,

"I don't know why you're so excited. Clayhill is a boring town"

His words dampened the mood a little, but you did your best to keep a smile on your face.

"Well, I'm mostly excited to meet your friends. You spoke about them a lot, so it'll be nice to meet them in person. And I'm sure there will be some cool things for me to see in town, considering it's a new place for me, everything is bound to be at least a little exciting "

Harry was dumbfounded by your optimism, but a part of him couldn't help but internally smile at it. After all he and his friends have been through, brought upon them by Manny's father, they forgot what it felt like to be optimistic.

Upon remembering Manny's father and the cruelty he inflicted on them, Harry started to sweat at the thought of the same thing happening to you. The "teachers" have since gone dormant after Manny had an awful nightmare given to him by a weird lamp, so they thought they had finally endured the last of that torture, but Harry had an awful feeling that it was not the end. Harry was just now realizing the horrifying amount of consequences bringing you into his house could have on you. He started to feel guilty for even meeting you in the first place. You noticed Harry's troubled expression and asked him what was up.

"Woah, Harry. Are you okay? You look nervous?"

Harry lightly shook his head, snapping himself out of thoughts. He knew he had no other choice but to take you to Clayhill. It would be impossible for him to look after Manny on his own. Robin isn't a big help. He butts heads with Manny quite often, and Manny's father would just make more monsters to torment the poor kid. Manny needed someone new, someone to teach him correctly, and someone to help him escape his father.

"I'm okay, just disappointed I'm going back to my boring town. But at least Manny will have someone new to talk to. I'm sure he'll be very excited to meet you"

You had a feeling Harry was hiding something from you, but you decided not to press him for anymore information.

You two completed your walk to the train terminal and waited for the train to arrive. To break the silence between you, you started up a conversation,

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