{8} Welcome to My Digital Home

428 20 16

(F/F) = Favourite Fashion
Btw, this chapter gets a bit steamy towards the end, but nothing very explicit
You woke up in your bed after a good nights sleep. Yesterday really knocked you out. But now comes the question of what will you do today? Now that there are a bunch of humanized objects in the house with crazy powers, things are a little uneasy.

You walked to the bathroom to freshen up. You did fall asleep in your clothes after all. You kinda looked like you just crawled out of the woods. You brushed your hair, changed your clothes, washed your face, and brushed your teeth. Walking downstairs you heard an agitated voice yell,


It sounded like Robin

You ran downstairs to see Colin pestering the green haired male. Robin spotted you from the hallway and quickly walked up to you

"(Y/N), please make him stop! He's been bugging everyone all morning!"

You were surprised to see that he wasn't at all angry at you from the previous day but perhaps he was just so desperate to get Colin away from him he was willing to talk to you. You didn't know. Colin smiled deviously and sauntered up to you and Robin

"But I'd like to show ya inside my digital life!"

Robin looked ready to smack him.

"I'm never doing that again!"

Robin suddenly stormed off up stairs. You and Colin's eyes followed him up the stairs until his agitated grumbles and heavy footsteps disappeared. Colin then got an idea

"Hey (Y/N)! Would you like to see my digital world?"

You didn't know to respond to that

"Your what?"

"My digital world! Where everything's made out of numbers and code!"

You raised an eyebrow,

"How would I even get there?"

"Take my hand"

Colin slightly grimaced at the fact he had to touch people to take them to his digital world, but for some reason, he was less triggered by the fact it was you and not one of the trio.

"I thought you hated being touched?"

"I do, but the means justify the end"

He was adamant on you going to his digital world.

'Well, in the past twenty four hours I've almost been indoctrinated into a cult and been poisoned...nothing can be worse than that!'

You carefully took Colin's hand and everything suddenly went black. It was like your vision was a TV screen that was turned off. The faint sounds of machinery and glitchy audio could be heard from somewhere but you couldn't discern exactly where.

"Colin? Colin!? COLIN WHERE ARE YOU!?" You screamed into the abyss

Your body felt strange. It felt kind of weightless and when you tried to move your limbs they almost lagged a bit like they had been out in the cold for a while. Slowly, your vision came back and an entirely new world glitched into view. This world was very vibrant but very strange.

"What the hell was that!?"

You looked down at yourself and saw that your hands were now made of very poorly animated CG. You started to freak out until you saw Colin walk up to you gleefully

"Welcome to my digital home!"

Looking at Colin, you saw that he too was made out of poorly rendered CGI and you stifled a laugh at how strangely he moved

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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