{7} A Frightening Dinner

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You looked to the door and saw Tony. Upon seeing Shrignold's sleeping body he questioned you,

"My my, whatever happened to poor Shrignold? I've never seen him so tired, so I'm sure it's a tale that must be told"

You looked down at your sleeping friend. He looked so peaceful, and quite adorable. His arms snuggled up to his chest like that of a child, and his soft breathing could lull anybody into a sleepy state of mind themselves.

"It's an interesting story that's for sure"

You stopped talking abruptly. Something's off...

'Wait, why are being decently nice to me? I thought you wanted to hurt us?"

Tony chuckled softly and the deep rumble of his baritone voice caused a slight blush to taint your cheeks,

'Wow! That's a deep voice. How did I never notice that before?'

"You'll know in due time my dear, for now you can come to the dinner table. You have nothing to fear"

You got up of the couch and followed Tony to the dinner table. You noticed that Harry, Robin, and Manny weren't there.

"Hey, where are-"

Tony cut you off,

"They're not here, upstairs most likely. We knew they wouldn't come down, even if we asked politely"

You understood. They were traumatized by these beings after all. Everyone's eyes were on you and Tony as Paige energetically waved from across the room, signalling the two of you to sit down beside her. You took your seat as quietly as possible between Tony and Paige and you started to feel a bit nervous.

'Sure, Shrignold is nice, but that doesn't mean they are too. You can't leave now...it's best just to swallow your fear, nerves, and the food they give me'

Steve walked over and placed down a plate that had some bread's with white dipping sauce and a side of mystery meat that made you incredibly unsettled.

"I hope you enjoy the healthy meal everyone!" Steve spoke joyously

Everybody except for Colin began to eat the food. Colin simply sat motionless while studying the plate. You haven't touched your food either, but thankfully Steve hadn't seemed to notice yet.

Larry took a sip of an unidentified liquid from a glass bottle, and abruptly slammed it onto the table making you jump,

"Sooooooooooooo...(Y/N)...where've you been beautiful~?"

You gulped,

"Umm, just hanging out with Shrignold all day"

You didn't want to tell them about what happened with Malcolm and his buddies

"I see...We should hang out next! I can teach you about dreams!"

He winked as he said dreams in a way that made you highly uncomfortable. Larry was just all around a very uncomfortable guy. Guessing by how far the teachers had distanced themselves from him, they probably didn't like him either. Tony spoke up to defend you,

"I believe they are fine, they don't need you. In fact they look uncomfortable, can't you take a clue?"

Larry started to raise his voice,

"Who asked you?"

Tony smirked,

"Getting angry I see, there's no need for all that. Pardon my manners but I'd like to cut the chitchat. I've no time to waste on a drunkard like you, so without further a do, I bid you adieu"

Larry's face turned red with anger and embarrassment while the rest of the table was either in shock or stifling laughter.

"Ooooooooooh snap! Get roasted son!" Colin cheered as he played some stupid MLG meme from the internet,

Larry hastily took his bottle and left the table. You couldn't help but snicker at Colin's antics as the nostalgia from such an old meme brought back some good memories of your past. (Or should I say meme-ories?) after the table had died down and Paige looked at your plate and noticed it was untouched. Your time of mercy was over,

"(Y/N), why aren't you eating? I thought you would be hungry after such a long day outside?" Paige proclaimed loudly

This caught the attention of the chef himself who gave you a slightly displeased look that you weren't eating,

"Come on, don't be rude! I promise it's very good!" Steve forced a smile onto his face but you could tell he was slightly offended at your lack of appetite,

"Yeah! Go on, have a taste!" Candice urged you

You didn't want to upset these people, so you took a piece of bread and took a bite. It was just normal bread. You tried a little bit of the sauce and were pleasantly surprised that was Bechamel sauce! Steve's face had a smile as he watched you eat the bread on your plate. Soon you were all finished your grains, but the meat still remained. You really didn't want to eat it. It almost had a metallic smell reminiscent of blood. Thinking about it made your stomach turn

"Try the meat, it's quite delicious!" Steve coerced

Looking around the table you noticed that nobody else except for Steve and Candice had touched the meat either, but for some reason Steve was singling you out. You had to think of something fast,

"Umm, I'm actually quite full already haha...I guess that's why they say you shouldn't eat too much bread before a meal!..."

Steve's face darkened. He looked very frightening staring at you with such intensity and you started to shake a bit in your chair. Before Steve could scare you any further, Colin surprising stood up,

"Don't force them to eat it. Besides, the human's sense of smell influences the taste of food to an astounding degree, so if they don't like the smell of it than they most likely won't like the taste. Taste is also highly subjective, so what you find to be a pleasurable taste may be displeasing to others"

Colin's overly long explanation seemed to annoy Steve more than convince him, but luckily he let you be excused from the table. (He really didn't want to get into an argument with Colin) You stood up, shakily thanked Steve for dinner, and walked away from the table with Colin following. Steve called out to the computery guy,

"Hey! You haven't touched your dinner! Are you not grateful for my cooking?"

Colin looked back at him like he was a moron,

"I'm not touching that"

Steve was now furious. You started to walk faster as to avoid being caught in his rage. You looked back at Colin and thanked him,

"Thanks Colin. You really saved me back there"

Colin nodded,

"You're welcome. Anybody could tell you didn't want to eat it. It's only natural for you to have a distain towards it! Humans are typically injured by the consumption of spoiled raw meat anyways"

That truth-bomb made you feel nauseous. Steve tried to serve you raw meat that could've killed you. Yeah, no more of Steve's cooking for you. Holding back your gag reflex, you bid goodnight to Colin and made your way upstairs to the spare room to finally get some relaxation time.

'What a terrifying day'

You opened the door to your room and it was empty. The trio had retreated back to their room and had most likely locked it to stop the teachers from getting inside. You wondered if Robin was still mad at you after what Colin said to you all this morning. You really hoped he wasn't. You locked your door, lied down on your bed not even bothering to get changed into sleep wear, and started to fall asleep

'For teachers that want to hurt me, a few of them seem to be helping me. The world is so confusing right now. What have I gotten myself into?'

With a slightly empty stomach, you fell asleep.

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