5. anyone would be a fool

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El opened the door and there was the redheaded girl with a big grin.



The girls squealed.

The set of friends embraced each other in a tight hug. They had always called each other by their last name ever since middle school in 6th grade when El moved. El was introduced to the class by her full name. When she went to sit down, Max got up and sat next to her. Their first conversation weirdly turned out to be about how much they hated the last names. One day Max started teasing El by calling her by her hated last name and El always returned the favor. Ever since, those names just stuck.

"I can't believe you're here!" El exclaimed.

"I know! I can't either!!" Max replied with a big smile.

"I thought I heard you!" Joyce said with a subtle grin as she came around the kitchen table.

"Hi, Joyce!"

"Hi, sweetie! How was the drive?"

"It was okay! Not much traffic because it's still pretty early in the morning."

The redhead had decided to come at 7 in the morning because she wanted to make the most of their day.

"I'll leave you two then. Nice seeing you again Max!"

"You too!

"Let's do this thing!" Max shouted, marching forward to El's bedroom.

Max walked over to her best friend's closet. El sat down while the redhead went through her closet.

"Max, come on! Don't you want me to feel comfortable? Because I already know you're gonna choose something that's not."

"Of course I do, but I want you to look hot at the same time. Max swiveled her head towards El with a smirk.

"Why? Why do I need to look "hot"?

"Why do I need to?'' isn't the right question Ellie. Why am I not looking hot well, now that's the right one." Max spoke which made El roll her eyes and flop down on her bed.

Max gasped which made El automatically regret not storing the blouse someone else more hidden.

"Hopper, what is this??"

El sat up and started twisting her hair.

"What is what?"

"This!" Max turned away from the closet and there was the white cropped tie blouse.

"No! No no no. I'm NOT wearing that."El protested with a sarcastic smile while plopping back down on her back.

"Yes yes yes!!! This is it. This is the outfit you're wearing to your first-party!" The redhead bubbled as she gave El a forced pull by her hands.

"Mayfield no chance. I don't feel comfortable." El whined.

"I know this has matching bottom piece because of the ties so give me them please." Max cheered, paying no attention to what El just said.

El dug through her bottom dresser drawer for the long lost matching shorts. She finally pulled out the piece with the tag still on.

"Ellie! These are perfect!! Try this one now." Max demanded, pushing the girl inside the bathroom.

"How much longer??" Max loudly asked, playing with her fingernails.

"Just wait! I'm almost done with the ties! El shouted back.

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