6. someone will freak when they see you

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"Here we are

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"Here we are." Max sighed, as she ducked her head to step out of her car.

"Wow." El gasped astounded by the home that had been lost in her memories. She remembered how almost every day after they would come to hang out over here, sleepovers, watch movies, painting their fingernails while party songs blared over in the background. It really did feel like a foggy memory now that had been forgotten.

They walked in and it was just as El remembered. On the left side, there was a  ledge that was always covered with mail and newspapers. In the middle of the entrance room, a coffee table that was wooden with engraving started to fade away. Lights shaped as flowers on the ceiling. It was all the same.

'You seemed shocked!" Max stated, with an "is something wrong?" face.

"Sorry, it's just... the exact same way I remember it being like all those years ago," El mentioned while still looking around.

"Yeah, my mom doesn't really like to change many things. She honestly hates change!" Max joked with a smile.

"Come on, let's eat something." The redhead announced, grabbing El's hand and pulling her into the kitchen.

The girls put some frozen chicken nuggets in the oven and sat back over in the living room to wait.

While Max was looking through tv channels, El was staring off into space.

When I see him, how will I react? Should I even acknowledge him? What if he doesn't care to even look me in the eyes? I don't think I could if I tried neither. I hate him... I , hate him so why am I even thinking about if he would even talk to me? He dumped me. Not the other way around, so why do I feel guilty?  Her thoughts raced through her mind as she bounced her leg up and down against the floor carpet.

Max had secretly been watching the anxious girl from the corner of her eye. It had been going on for a whole two minutes now.

"Okkkkkk! Enough is enough. I know somethings up so don't even try to tell me the opposite." Max stated as she sat next to the stunned girl

"Fi-fine. It's..... Mike. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him or anything or have a "thing" I guess, I just feel anxious for no reason to see him tonight. I just... I know he was the one that dumped me but I somehow feel guilty for some reason but I-I... I don't know anymore." El replied, shaking her head downwards in her hands.

Max knew El wasn't telling the whole truth. The redhead knew something was going on with El's feelings for Mike. She in fact had already acknowledged them from their first phone call when she asked El about the party that she liked him.

The last time El had gotten anxious like this was back in Freshman year when Mike was starting to act weird. The brunette girl would always come to Max to tell her all about how Mike was being enclosed and hidden. That was three years ago. This was a whole new feeling. The redhead knew her friend well enough to know that.

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