New school, New idiots

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Your POV

Hearing my annoyance of an alarm, my eyes slowly opened, adjusting to my consciousness. It was Monday morning, my first day at Nekoma High School.

Ohh I'm so excited! But yet there are so many things that could go downhill though. Worst of all there's not a single person I know.

An idea popped into my head. What if I text kitten while I get ready maybe he's up or something, I won't be completely alone since I have him. But wait, doesn't he have volleyball practice? I remember him saying he plays volleyball in the mornings. Ah oh well, I'll try to text later.

Turning my annoying alarm off, I got out of bed and grabbed my uniform from the dresser beside my bed. One thing I did not like about the school already was having to wear uniforms. The American schools I went to didn't have a dress code, except for the obvious: a shirt and pants/skirts.

At least the uniforms are decently cute and not severely short. After getting dressed and doing the essentials I checked the time.

Shit! I've got to head to Nekoma now or there's the possibility I'll be late on my first day.

Rushing down the stairs, I quickly made a note saying see you later to my parents. Grabbing my keys and shoes, I went out the door and sent Kitten a text just in case while I made my way to Nekoma.

_Discord App Opened_

(Discord N/N) : Hey I'm just now going to my new school, just saying hi! -sent 16 seconds ago.

I sent the message to Kitten and put my phone back in my pocket, looking ahead I could now barely see Nekoma. I checked my (Favorite animal) Watch, Looks like I'll even have a bit of time to spare. I still had a decent 35 minutes to get there, given I would also have to get a tour.

Looking around people were walking ahead of me, wearing bookbags. From the back, I couldn't tell but it looked like they had the female Nekoma uniform.

Debating whether to talk to them I decided against it, rather wait for someone to talk to me first-

Finally reaching the school I looked up at it, finally being up close to it. It was huge in my opinion, but I would soon get used to it.

Walking into the building and looking around I tried to find where the office was. That is, until someone tapped on my shoulder, spooking the hell out of me.

I jumped a bit and whipped around to the suspect. He was short and had brown eyes with sandy brown colored hair.

"Are you looking for something or someone ma'am?" He asked.

"O-oh uh I'm looking for the office, I am new here.." I replied quietly.

Supposedly he could tell I was nervous so he gave me a small smile.

"Here I can show you where it is," He said and motioned for me to follow him.

Giving back a smile of my own I felt a bit calmer. He seemed nice so hopefully, everyone else in this school was just as nice as him. The office wasnt far from the entrance, once we got there he explained that the principal should give me my schedule and a tour guide. We also introduced ourselves and I found out his name was Yaku Morisuke and he was part of the males volleyball club.

Timeskip to after the tour

Nervously walking into the class I could feel the stares of some people, as they knew I was never in this class before. I looked for an empty seat and it happened to be by the window which I loved.

I prefer to be more laid back and unnoticed- i also love the view outside.

The bell rang after a few moments as our Sensei walked in and began class by asking me to come up and introduce myself.

Standing up with my heart racing I went up infront of the class and quietly mentioned:

"H-Hi im Y/N L/N, I hope we all can get along" I bow my head and go back to my seat.

"Perfect thank you Ms. L/N, now class today we are lear-..."

The class continued as normal, while I secretly looked around the class at all the people, there was this one boy that had pudding colored hair.

Thats odd he looks familiar. I thought to myself soon looking back to the sensei. Pushing the familiarity aside for now.

Soon class finally ended as the bell rang, finallyyyy! I had one more class till lunch, which i hoped would taste good unlike America school food. Sometimes it was decent but otherwise it was just not the best.

My second class went along normally, a small introduction (which is annoying) then learning. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for lunch, if you can tell im the munchies type. Im hungry all the time. (Lol totally not me irl.)

Finally the lunch bell rang for the first lunch period, which luckily was mine. Thank you universe!

Grabbing my stuff and dashing out the classroom door I went to the cafeteria (getting lost at one point) and got in line.

Most times I alternate between bringing food from home or eating at school. The school lunch was tuna or pork onigri which was good, I chose the pork one. Along with buying myself a milk carton from a vending machine in the cafeteria.

I looked around for somewhere to sit, but I decided on going outside to eat by a tree.

Thats when I saw the pudding haired kid by the tree, who was looking down playing on a Nintendo.

I went up to him questioning;

"M-mind if I sit here..?"

When he looked up I finally recognized who this kid was, hes the one I ran into when going to the store.

My cheeks flushed slightly when I looked into his cat-like amber eyes. They truly were mesmerizing.

Mentally slapping myself I smiled when he replied;

"Sure I guess.." His voice was quiet but quite cute. God what am I saying I just moved here, plus I like Kitten. (Disregard the fact I've never met him irl-)

I sat down beside the quiet boy, oddly I felt comfortable, his aura seemed so similar to mine. He was quiet like me, I could easily tell.


I jolted at the sound of a loud voice coming closer to us.

Looking to the source, there was a guy with serious bed head that made him look like a rooster. It was a bit funny to say the least.

The small male beside me looked up to the voice.

"Hello Kuroo.." muttered the boy.

"Hey, oh~? Whos this, does little kenma have a new friend? And a pretty girl at that."

Staying silent I blushed slightly at the compliment.

"Shut up Kuroo.. shes a new student in my class.."

Ah so he noticed me, good to know.

"Fine fine" he gave a sly smirk and asked;

"So whats your name Ms~?"

I replied quietly, "Y/N L/N, please call me Y/N though. L/N makes me sound old.."

"Alright then, where did you move here from?"

"Oh uh.. North America but I was born here.."

"Nice, do you do any sports? Me and Kyanma here play volleyball"

The rooster haired male noticed your eyes light up at the mentioning of volleyball.

"I practice it but Ive never played on a team, im not that athletic."

"Well then, I have a question for you, since your new and probably dont have a club yet..."

"Would you be our manager Y/N?"

WOOOO CHAPTER THREE AND OVER 1200 WORDS :3 i really want to try and actually make this a complete book (unlike my other ones and i apologize for that)
Bai ✨

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