Old and New Friends.

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No PoV

Y/ns first week at Nekoma went by pretty quickly. Her class work was generally easy for her so far.

She also hung out with the team a lot during practice and even at lunch. Other students were also pretty nice. There were no bad encounters, luckily.

Y/n made two new friends besides the team, Akari Uzuma and Suigetsu Nadima.

They were pretty nice, Suigetsu was basically the clown of your friend group. You were the introvert, gamer, and whatnot. And Akari was the athletic one who's mostly an extrovert. She was on the girls' volleyball team as their libero. Her arms always had bruises here and there, which was kinda badass in your opinion.

It was now Saturday, and Y/N had decided to run to the store in the morning. Leaving the rest of the weekend to do as you pleased.

You haven't had much time to talk to Kitten because of volleyball, so today you planned to try and play games with him.

You continued to the store, soon getting lost in your thoughts and not paying attention to where you were going.

To your surprise;


You had run into someone head on, nearly falling if the person hadn't caught you.

"I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was go- ing-?" You panicked then paused as you looked up and saw spiky, owl like grayish white hair.

The memory was foggy, but you somehow remembered that hair from somewhere. You couldn't quite place your tongue on it.

Interrupting your thoughts, the said person put you upright. You immediately bowed a full 90° and spoke frantically.


"Hey hey hey, don't worry about it, it was my fault - Oya? You look familiar?"

The boy tilted his head slightly and squinted his eyes at you.

"Do I know you from somewhere? Do you go to Fukurodani Academy?"

"Uhm, I don't believe so, I'm a transfer to Nekoma High." You spoke out.

Then it hit her.

"KOUTAROU!?" She nearly yelled in realization.

Bokuto's eyes lit up with stars as he recognized her.

"N/N!!" Bokuto yelled as he ran up and hugged you tightly.

Koutarou was your first friend in Japan before you moved to America.

Your parents knew each other so you two knew each other since you were just a baby. Of course, he was a bit older though, by a year or so. He had his owl-like hair even when he was a child.

He was always the hyper one, trying to get you out of your shy shell. Frankly, it never worked.

Y/n laughed out as her old friend hugged her.

"Kou, I can't believe you remember me!"
She exclaimed.

"I could never forget you (N/N)-Chan!" Bokuto beamed proudly. Finally releasing the hug, he asked;

"How was the States?"

You smiled at him, "It was alright, I made some friends and I learned to speak English pretty well since I was young. The school system there is weird."

Looking at the ground. You spoke up once more.

"I prefer it here in Japan though, it's my original home, of course!"

Bokuto looked at you with soft eyes and a wide smile. You always were outgoing when it was only him around. He wondered how you were now. Wondering if you were still the shy introvert you were years ago.

He then remembered his own friend, not knowing you've met him already.

"Hey hey, there's a friend of mine just like you! He's really quiet and kinda boring, he games alot and isn't really athletic, but he plays volleyball with my bro Kuroo!" Bokuto laughed, comparing who you could assume was Kenma to you.

"I actually have met them.. I go to Nekoma, and they convinced me to join the volleyball team as their manager.

Bokuto stepped back with a face of shock and awe. Then he ran up to you, shaking the daylights outta you.

(N/N)-CHAN!!" Bokuto yelled in your ear.

"OK ok calm down. You're killing me here. Stop yelling and shaking meeeeE.

Bokuto smiled sheepishly and stopped shaking you. He then opened his mouth in an o shape.

He then revealed that there was gonna be a practice match between your school and his next week. That would be fun, you could have all your friends in one place.

The two of you conversated for a while, Bokuto talked an awful lot about this boy named "AGAAASHI." You already started to get what the oblivious Bokuto was hinting at. You could smell the ship from a mile away.

Soon, you both bid each other ado as you had to get groceries and head home.

Y/n continued, reaching the store and getting what was needed for home. It was quite a bit to carry, so you wished you had someone come with you.

Letting out a sigh, you loaded your arms up with the bags and paid at the register.

"Arigato gozaimasu," you bowed to the cashier.

Walking out and going on your way home, you struggled a bit. All the bags hanging from your arms were really starting to make you sore.

You still had a good ten minutes to walk home.

From behind, someone noticed you're struggling and sped up to catch you.

"Hey miss, do you need some help.?"

Looking at them, you sensed no malice or bad intent. You also mentally noted how you were struggling.

"That would be a blessing if it isn't too much trouble. Thank you so much. "

The stranger smiled and took some of the weight off your arms. Mentally sighing in relief, you lead them to your house with the groceries.

The two of you made small conversations, and before you knew it, you reached your home.

"I appreciate your help a lot. Thank you once again for your help."

Taking the bags from him since you could now carry them in and place them down. Realizing you never caught his name, you looked up, asking him;

"Hey, I never caught your name? My name is L/N Y/N. " You smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you, L/n. My name is....

I'm gonna pause this story until I get at least 1 comment on who yall want to meet,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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