✧ Part 2 ✧

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A week later

Finally Sunday came around again. Hazel never awaited for anything so eagerly. The night of the first encounter was a restless one for her. With her head full of images of Sir Alexander's naked body, sleeping wasn't easy all week. If he asked her to do unholy things she would have gladly done them. That man put the devil in her mind.

The knight came back and had an ale and some food, like last time.
The town folk, expecting him to come back one day of the other, brought presents for him. Nothing of value especially for a man of his lineage, but he accepted everything like it was precious, thanking everyone.

Alexander and Hazel met alone in the barn once again. She waited inside by the open door for him, with her arms crossed behind her back, ready to serve him. This time she adorned her forehead with two braids which disappeared in her bun in the back.
He came in and took a good look at her. Then he sighed of anticipated satisfaction for the nice feeling of his body in the fresh water. "I looked forward to this all week."
It was another warm day, despite the grey sky, and he looked hot and flushed.
Hazel bowed her head and smiled, thinking that she had looked forward to this, too.

Alexander put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face. "A smile, let me fill my eyes with it."
His gaze moved on her mouth then up in her eyes. It gave her a little shiver down her spine, despite the heat.
"...her clear eyes and beautiful mouth/ so that pain struck to his heart..." he recited.
Hazel's smile transformed into an O and her look now showed her surprise. He let out a quiet laugh and let her go. "It is an old poem that I read." He sat in the bench and removed his boots.

"You can read!?" Hazel asked excited, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, of course. I gave my preceptor hell."
She wished she could read. Her mother was able to. She was teaching her, in secret, before she died but without guidance and practice Hazel lost all she had learned. She could only read a few common words.
"Does Sir Alexander know many poems?"
He got up and started removing his outer garments."I had to know the lyrics by heart or my tutor would hit my hands with a stick! I still remember some."
He gestured to her to sit on the bench, in front of him, to be his spectator.
He cleared his throat and recited.

"Between soft March and April showers,
When sprays of bloom from branches spring
And when the little bird 'mid flowers
Doth song of sweetness loudly sing:
To her with longing love I cling,
Of all the world the fairest thing
Whose thrall I am, who bliss can bring
And give to me life's crown."*

She looked at him fascinated by the words, aside from the man reciting the poem as he undressed, until he was bare chested. He didn't mind so she didn't look away, descreetely admiring the view of his torso, his chest, his nice arms. She noticed a few scars on his body. Battle scars for sure.
"Wonderful..." she commented, enthralled by the beautiful words and by the view.
Then he lowered his trousers, and before she could turn her eyes away, she got a peek of his private parts. She swiftly got up and turned the other way, embarrassed.
"God will strike you any moment now." Alexander laughed as he climbed into the tub. "Ahhhh..." he grunted appreciating the fresh water.
He submerged his head completely and came back up, pulling his wet hair all the way back on his head.

He looked towards her.
"What is it, you've never seen one?" He said, making fun of her. She was a grown woman and, considered she helped with the bath service, he assumed she had seen many naked men by then.
She turned to him annoyed and embarrassed. " 'Course I have."
"So why are you blushing like a little virgin, lass?" He asked smirking.
"That was unbelievably rude and inappropriate." She commented, resting her hands on her hips.
He stared at her, thinking that she looked adorable all stirred up and offended. He was getting a taste of teasing her.

⚜️ You Can Call Me Sir Alexander ⚜️  (Alex Turner)Where stories live. Discover now