✽ Part 4 ✽

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Alexander took her back to Thull right before dawn. As she rode behind him on Black Treacle, Hazel held on to him wrapping her arms around his waist. She smiled, leaning her cheek against his back, thinking about the night they spent together, kissing, making love and sleeping in each other arms. Her heart felt full.
She dismounted at the end of a wooded area, at a short walk to the village, just in case anyone was already up.
She met her father at the door of the tavern. Oh no.

"Good day Father! You had an early morning today."
He had a gloomy face. "You weren't home."
"I- erm..."
"Don't lie to me, dear, you are not a child anymore. And I saw him riding away."
She blushed and opened her mouth to talk, but she was so embarrassed and mortified she didn't know what to say.
Then she felt anger inside of her.
"You did not worry so much when all these men treated me like scum and did what they wanted to me, but it's the only one who treats me kindly, tenderly and respectfully who you worry about." She gave him a scowl and walked away, maddened.

William went after her. "Hazel..."
He reached her and took her by her arm. Hazel turned around and looked at him with hurt eyes.
William took her hand in his. "Oh my child, I regret profoundly that I could not protect you like I should have. I did ask you many times whether you were being importuned."
Hazel looked down. "I was embarrassed. And I did not want to ruin your business."
William squeezed her hand, full of remorse. "It won't happen anymore."
Hazel nodded, keeping her eyes down.

"Have you taken him into your heart?"
Hazel didn't reply. She thought she felt Alexander close to her heart, but she was not sure since it never happened to her before.
"He will leave sooner or later," William continued. "They are not stationing here long. He will leave you and your broken heart here, dear. He can't have a peasant as a wife, you know that. That is not what he is looking for. "
"I know."
"God forbid he'll leave you with child."
"It won't happen, Father. I would never humiliate you as such."

They stayed silent for a few moments, then he let her hand go and spoke.
"I am not forbidding you to spend time with him when he is here in town, for you would just sneak behind my back to go to him, putting yourself in danger.
I understand that you are a woman now and you have reached an age when you are supposed to have a husband. But you can't because...of the tavern and because I need help. I understand your desire for companionship, but this is not one for you, being him a noble, my child. I am sure that when I will reach the clearing at the end of the path you'll find a good man, my dear daughter, and that day is not very far, for I am old already."

Hazel placed a hand on his arm, giving him a sad smile. "Do not speak like this Father. You are still healthy and strong."
He covered her hand with his, patting it.
"Do not worry," she continued," he is only a friend. I know that he will leave, and I'll be sad, but I will go on with my life, and if I may be honest, I'd rather be here helping you than serving a husband. Especially if he is a brainless drunkard like any of our customers."
William laughed "You're turning into a fierce, strong woman, my little Hazel. You remind me so much of your mother." He smiled and crossed his chest, then kissed his fingers. His eyes glistened.
"Pay attention child. I don't want you to be accused of terrible things."
Like fornication.
"Do not worry, Father." She blushed slightly, but thankfully he didn't notice.
They walked together back to the tavern to start setting up for the day.


Alexander came back that Sunday and and every Sunday after that.
They spent time in the barn, or at the river, where they talked and laughed, he recited poetry and told stories, she gave him massages with soothing oils for his sore body. They made love and explored each other in the most intimate of ways, but without shame of guilt.
Hazel was sure she wasn't going to be this happy in her life anymore so she savoured it all, letting happiness taking over her whole self.
They were as descreet as possible but Hazel started to get a bit weary as it seemed the town folks were beginning to notice their "friendship". On one hand she did not care, on the other she did not want to get in trouble.

⚜️ You Can Call Me Sir Alexander ⚜️  (Alex Turner)Where stories live. Discover now