ꕤ Part 5 ꕤ

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Hazel sat in the back of the rickety single-horse carriage watching in amazement the city around her as they rode through. She had never been in such a big town.
Stone buildings towered over her and the streets were heaving with people busy in their afternoon activities. They dressed differently too here; she looked fascinated at the colourful gowns the women wore.

Thankfully this last part of her trip happened during the day, for the rugged coachman gave her a bad vibe. He looked at her in a disrespectful manner and made her uncomfortable. His almost toothless grin gave her the shivers. Alexander guaranteed a safe journey and she trusted him. It had been safe so far, but she decided to stay alert anyway.
The journey lasted days and it was often uncomfortable. She thanked God that at night, whether travelling or resting, she was always in company of at least another woman and the people involved were always good souls. It was probably planned this way, and she was grateful.

They drove past the city and took a dirt road through the countryside. When the street entered a wooded area, Hazel felt her whole body stiffen.
Please, she prayed, don't let bad things happen to me.
"Are we almost there?" she asked trying to mask the fear.
"Aye lass, just a few wheels ahead. Don't keep asking now."

She sighed of relief when she saw the palace in the distance. To her, it looked like a small castle, but she knew or, at least, had an idea that real castles must have been way bigger than that. Still, she had never seen such a big, noble edifice.
Alexander, she thought smiling, I'm here.

The carriage stopped at the side of the property, by a service door. Of course Hazel didn't think she would be received by the grand main entrance.
A chunky middle-aged woman came out, to see who came.
Hazel hopped off the cart, noticing the coachman trying to take a peek of her legs as she did so.
"Who's this, Edwin? I wasn't expecting a new girl." The woman seemed confident, in charge and annoyed by the unexpected arrival which was probably wasting her precious time. She had to be the Head Maid.
The man shrugged his shoulders.

The woman stared at her. "Come."
"My name is Hazel," she said, as she walked behind her. She hoped the name rang a bell, but no answer. "I'm here for Lord Turner."
"Lord Turner, bless him, has male servants," the woman replied harshly, "you will join the ranks of the staff of Lady Harrington. She didn't mention a new arrival, but I might as well use you in the kitchen, and the Lady oversees its operations. The cook's helper left crying a few days ago."
Oh lord.

She opened a big wooden chest and picked up some folded clothes.
"This is what you will be wearing from now on. Make sure it is always clean. Lady Harrington despises dirty clothes."
The woman took her on a brief practical tour of the Lady's quarters. The palace was a bit austere but elegant. Hazel had never been in a place like that before. She looked around marveled at the beautiful wooden forniture and the colorful tapestry on the walls. Gracious vases with gorgeous fresh flowers were placed in the corners.

When they were by her chamber, Lady Harrington suddenly came out.
Hazel looked at her intimidated from behind the Head Maid, admiring her beautiful deep-blue gown, her diaphanous light skin, and her elaborated hair up-do.
"Oh Mistress Briar, I was just about to call for you...these stomach cramps are not giving me peace, the pain is unbearable!" she sighed dramatically.
"I'll see what I can do, My Lady."

She gazed at Hazel. "A new girl? I don't recall authorizing a new hire..?"
"I am not sure My Lady, she was sent here, apparently she was requested."
The Lady looked at Hazel with a slightly disgusted expression. "Well not by me, that is for sure. I would not employ such a peasant," she said lifting her nose.

Hazel was looking down and she realized how worn-out, discolored and poor her gown looked.
"Did my husband ask for...that? As his jilly maybe? Lord, he's stooping so low. Oh, Mistress Briar, at least before he was handsome and strong. Now he's nothing but a miserable cripple. A wretched half-man." She moaned.

⚜️ You Can Call Me Sir Alexander ⚜️  (Alex Turner)Where stories live. Discover now