¤ Part 7 ¤

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The sun had just cropped up from behind the grey clouds when Nicholas and Miles helped Alexander on a chair and called for more help to carry him. He was feeling much better after a week or so of Hazel's constant care, and to Hazel's joy, but also his friends', he asked to be taken outside to get some fresh air.
"Now...if you can summon the strength, tow me," he told the men, jokingly.

Hazel didn't go with them in the back garden. They were always cautious not to be too obvious. She went out after a bit through the kitchen's back door and sat on the steps, watching from afar.
Alexander sat in his chair, with his eyes closed and his head tilted up, enjoying the timid, yet midly warming, early Autumn sun. It felt so pleasant after weeks and weeks stuck in his bedroom.
He wanted to see Black Treacle, his beloved stallion. He hadn't seen him all this time and he missed him.
Hazel was sure that Black Treacle did too. They didn't own a horse back at home, but sometimes they borrowed the neighbors horse if needed. She knew how sensitive and affectionate those creatures could be.

The stable man walked the horse out.
Soon after, the animal started looking agitated, ramping and whinnying. He didn't seem upset, but excited, like he recognized his owner -his friend.
Alexander laughed. "It's me, my boy! Come to me!"
Black Treacle sprinted forward, snatching the reins out of the stableman's hands. It almost looked like he was charging at Alexander and everyone gasped, but the man was smiling big. "That's my boy!"
The horse stopped and pranced right in front of him, excited. He seemed genuinely happy to see his Master. He then lowered his head and head-butted Alexander in his chest. "Easy, now! I've missed you too." Alexander rubbed the furry nose, forehead and neck, to which the horse responded with soft appreciative nickerings.
Hazel laughed surprised and a bit moved. She could tell that he was happy but she noticed a veil of melancholy too. He won't be able to ride his horse, likely never anymore.

Behind the window of the tearoom, not too far from the kitchen, Lady Harrington watched the whole scene. It almost seemed impossible that Alexander was outside and looking so happy. She saw him joking and laughing with his servants. She saw him being disgustingly emotional meeting his stupid horse. How could anyone being so sentimental for an animal?
She also saw that peasant girl, the kitchen helper, watching the whole thing with joy on her face. And she saw her husband looking at the girl, and smiling at her, and her responding. That wasn't just politeness; they were tender and knowing smiles.

Upon her inquiring, Master Kane explained that he hired the new girl for the kitchen, for James was complaining about his helper. Given her knowledge of curative plants, she was also helping Lord Turner with his pains, providing some medicaments, just like she did with her. He added that sometimes he himself took her to Alexander to administer such medicines or to medicate his leg, and that was pretty much it.

The Lady, however, was notified by her informants of the girl's unaccompanied presence in the hallways of her husband's quarters. She had eyes and ears all over the palace; children were the perfect spies, they would do anything for a bisquit. There were a few in the residence -service people's offspring.
She was sure the girl didn't just get lost. And why hiring someone from such a far distance, when they could hire a local worker? Something didn't add up.

Now watching them, she had a confirmation: she was there for him, the nature of their association still not entirely clear. She reckoned she was likely a sort of concubine.
Lady Harrington grinned, knitting her thin eyebrows, as she watched them sharing happy smiles. She couldn't just scream adultery; she she didn't have any proof and it was just the word of a woman against a man's...and this was a man's world.
But she could have some fun with them.


Alexander's health improved greatly in the following weeks.
He started using wooden crutches made by his trusted carpenter, and he was enjoying being able to move around a bit on his own. He felt he was getting some of his strength back.
The personnel were surprised to see him around for it hadn't happened for a long time.

⚜️ You Can Call Me Sir Alexander ⚜️  (Alex Turner)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum