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THE ARCADE WAS EERIE AFTER CLOSING. They closed a little earlier than normal, most kids ready to get home and in bed, excited for the upcoming holiday the following day. Vivian made her nightly rounds, checking to make sure all the game were working properly (and occasionally stopping to play), locking the front doors, some light cleaning here and there. She walked around the corner of Frogger, whistling to herself.

"Oh, shit!" Vivian exclaimed, clutching her chest in shock. Max stood there awkwardly, silently shifting her weight on either foot. Who knew how long she'd been standing there? "You scared me, Max." "Sorry," Max apologized, shoving her hands deep in her pockets. "What are you still doing here?" Vivian asked, slightly concerned. Max gave her a weird look. "I was wondering if, um," she started. "If you could give me a ride home?" Vivian smiled. "Sure thing, kiddo. I just finished up here, funnily enough," Vivian told her.

Max followed along behind as Vivian walked behind the counter and down the hallway that led to the back door. "You can walk a little closer to me," Vivian chuckled. "I'm not a biter." She paused. "Unless you still suspect that I'm a psycho axe maniac, of course, then keep your distance." Max smiled, seemingly in spite of herself. "And it's okay to talk to me, by the way." Max cleared her throat. "Noted," she affirmed faintly.

They stepped out into the parking lot, and it was even colder than it had been that morning. Max shivered slightly, and Vivian turned to her. "Where's your jacket?" she questioned. Max shrugged. "I forgot it." Vivian squinted, but she didn't press the issue. They walked briskly toward Vivian's truck, which was parked in the very back corner of the lot. "Is there a reason you parked all the way in Siberia?" Max said, teeth gritted from the cold. "Hey," Vivian protested. "It was either that, or park next to Creepy Keith." She groaned loudly. "Who I now have a date with on Friday."

Max howled with laughter, making Vivian jump as they got into the cab of her truck. "A date? With Keith?" "I know, okay? I know," Vivian said shamefully, her head in her hands. "It was either that, or get fired and leave all you kids completely at his off-putting mercy. So, you're welcome, actually." Max's laughter died down to a snicker as they pulled out of the parking lot. "Okay, you're gonna have to give me some directions here," Vivian reminded Max, coming to an intersection. "Left here," Max directed flatly, folding her hands in her lap.

Vivian side-eyed her warily. "So, are we gonna talk about the parking lot scene earlier? Or did I imagine that?" Max huffed. "I don't want to talk about that. It's just my stupid brother." "Enlighten me." There was a reluctant pause. But then, "He's such an ass, and I hate him." "What happened?" Vivian prompted. "He's just a bully, and --right at the stop sign-- ever since we moved here, his douchebag levels have multiplied. He's so obsessed with what other people think, it's sickening." Vivian knew that feeling all too well. "I knew somebody like that, too." "Who?" Well, that was forward. "Um, my best friend. We were joined at the hip since we were kids, then once we hit sophomore year everything changed. He started being mean to other people, to look cool for his new friends," Vivian explained. "He started being a jerk to me, even. And a bunch of other stuff happened, and everything changed." Max nodded and said, "Except with Billy, it didn't change. It just got worse."

"Billy Hargrove is your brother?" Vivian asked, surprised. He was new at their school that year. She hadn't talked with him directly, thank God, but she'd seen him around school, and he beat Steve in the Olympic sport of being an asshole by at least two gold medals. "Step-brother. But yeah." "I'm sure that's hard." "It was, but I got used to it," Max said. "I don't let it bother me anymore." "You looked pretty bothered earlier." No response. "We don't have to talk about it any more. I was just a little worried about you." Max frowned at her. "Why?" Vivian looked at her fleetingly. "The same reason why I offered you a ride," she explained. "The same reason why I yell at Dustin when he spends too much time playing video games at the arcade. The same reason why I get on to my little sister for staying up too late. Because I care." Max smiled, looking down at her lap. "Well, thanks." "No problem, Just Max."

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