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Frederick glanced out the window of his room, down below Elves walked up and down the leafy twiggy paths that crisscrossed his home town. His home town being the capitol of his elven tribes Kingdom and his father being the King. His hand slowly made its way up to his cheek and brushed the scale that in his mind marred his face. It was the only showing sign of his mother's heritage, his mother was the second wife of the King. The first having passed away tragically when trying to travel to another Kingdom, the roads were treacherous for the Elven people.

His mother was only a half-elf, her mother had been Elven and her father had been Draconic. The Draconic race were the descendants of a great race of dragons, it was often debated amongst the Elves whether this was why they could be so violent and cruel in nature or whether it was down to their current culture. However it seemed that many of the races were not kind to the peoples they had deemed "Magical Creatures" which really made the argument lean closer to the current culture.

Once a long time ago all the races in the realm and been tolerant of one another, respected each other and much trading of knowledge was done. It was how the Draconic race had really come into being, a harmony of marriages between multiple races and made their very race come into being. Yet they still seemed to think the races that had been their forefathers beneath them.

Frederick clenched his hand into a fist and slammed it onto the windowsill, it was because of this heritage that his life was not entirely pleasant. He would have perhaps been fine, if it was not for the scale that shinned and glittered on his pale cheek, it was a tell-tale sign that he was three-quarters Elven and that part of his was from the very race that had been causing so much turmoil for his people. His mother was the Queen so she did not get much trouble for her heritage, and she was indeed quite Elven looking. Although she too had a scale it was in a place not visible to people while she was dressed, however he and many of the other mixed blood people in this who showed more visible signs of their blood were not treated well among their own people.

People feared them, blamed them as well as the other races outside their borders for the troubles and trauma of their friends and family. They were considered unlucky to even be around, it made life lonely and hard. His own brothers and sisters disliked him it seemed. This cut Frederick to the very core, he had looked up to them and followed them around everywhere, yet they would do things to get him into trouble or even hurt continuously, once they dared him into a barrel and closed him into it and shoved poisonous insects into it trying to get him bitten. He had been lucky that his great-grandmother had been aware of what was going to happen and had been waiting in the wings. She had been waiting to see if they would dare do it. She had spoken to them to try and give them a choice of actions, and still they had chosen to try and take his life. Fortunately his great-grandmother was a great seer of the future and had been prepared or he might have perished many years ago.

Even with the urging of his great-grandmother Frederick said nothing to his parents of what his siblings were doing to him, he had in a way a since of loyalty to them and a distant hope that maybe if he didn't say anything they would see that he was not so bad and accept him. He felt if he betrayed them to his parents that they would hate him forever and that caused him more sadness and pain then what they were doing now.

He turned from the window as he heard someone approaching his door, a loud knock was quickly followed by the door thunking open. His youngest older brother Ãehioñ stood before him. Ãehioñ's mouth twitched downward as he looked Frederick up and down. "Brother, what are you doing here in your room? I am quite sure I had you assigned out for border scouting..." Frederick clenched his fists at his sides. His brother had indeed tried assigning him to that duty, he had neglected though to see if he could actually do such a thing. Frederick was not of the age for duty, had not been trained, and was not in the least of the physical ability that was required for that duty. Sending him to the border was tantamount to a death sentence. Fortunately for Frederick the head scout who was actually in charge of assigning posts saw what Ãehioñ had been up to and removed Frederick from the roster.

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