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Clara looked through the grimy window of her room, she could see the castle in the distance, she was four years old. She turned to her mother who was reading her a story before bed, "I am going to live there someday!" Clara announced proudly, "Oh dear, only the royal family and their servants live there... If you work hard enough maybe you can work there someday... Maybe, but they are very strict." 

Clara looked back at the castle with a stubborn look on her face, she was determined to live there one day. If that meant she had to be someones maid or a cook she was going to do her best to get there.

The very next day Clara started to try and ready herself by helping her mother clean the house, she helped her mother sew the holes in their clothes, she helped her father repair their shoes, then she helped cook. She discovered that at four years old, although she could do a lot, she was still a bit small. But she was very determined.

As the years passed Clara started helping her extended family with cleaning and chores, and she discovered she had a talent for making and repairing clothes. Soon her family, her friends and her families friends were coming with requests for new clothes and repairs.

Her mother took her aside just before her 18th birthday. "Clara, I know you are determined to make it to the castle, but don't you see that you can make a good life for yourself, one even better then being a servant, with the talent that you have?" Her mother said gently, "You could easily open your own shop and make a fortune for yourself, word of your skills has spread even beyond the town. Didn't you just last week get a request from Lady Aphia for a dress?" Clara smiled, "Aye that I did, and I made her one, a fine one as well although I was a bit worried as she did not come in for a fitting. She already sent word to me that it was a perfect fit!" Clara beamed proudly, "Did you at least charge her for your time and effort?" Clara's mother Sara said exasperated. 

"I charged her for the materials, and one other thing." Clara said looking out the window to the castle, "What is the other thing?" Her mother asked her eyes following her gaze. "A reference for my interview I am having the day after by birthday, at the castle." Clara's mother clapped her hand onto her forehead. "Seriously, nothing is going to persuade you from your goal!" Her mother sighed and then smiled at her.

"As your mother I wish the best for you, but I also understand the importance of following your dreams. If living at the castle is your dream, then follow it. And if it doesn't work out, at least you can add working for the King and Queen onto your resume." Clara smiled back at her mother, "It will work out, I just have to get through the interview. I have been told by people who work at the castle that she can be a bit of a pill to deal with. But I will do it. I know I will."

Clara had a wonderful birthday, her friends and family gave her gifts she could use, as well as treasure. Her mother got her a new sewing set complete with scissors, her father got her a magical satchel to carry all her things in. Her Aunt's, Uncle's and Cousins had all pooled together and got her a wealth of new material that she had been wanting. Her friends got her ribbons, beads and threads.

Clara danced and celebrated with them till about ten at night and then chose to have an early night, her interview was midday and she did not want to be up late before her interview. Her parents hired a Cargi to take her to the castle for her interview. It dropped her off at the side entrance and Clara carefully looked over the clothes to make sure was nothing out of place.

Taking a deep breath, she took her sheaf of references, Lady Aphia's carefully positioned on the top and stepped through the door, she was five minutes early. They had said to come early, but not to early. BelindaBerryville did not like people being late, but she despised people being to early as well. A woman with stark white hair scrapped up into a severe bun stood staring down disapprovingly at her. "Well, you are timely that is good." sniffed Belinda.

"Come this way..." Clara immediately bobbed an appropriate curtsy, "Yes Madam." Belinda nodded her head begrudgingly and she led Clara to a room. "Tell me what is wrong with THIS room." Belinda said snidely, Clara looked around quickly, she was told there would be tests. They were always different but normally pertained to the job you were being hired for. She was going to be a maid for the Queen and Princess, one of many. 

The room was a sitting room, the three chairs were carefully arranged in a semi circle around the sitting room table. There were nick knacks in the corner on a long shelf, there was a rug under the sitting room table. Clara could see a lot wrong, "There is dust on the rear nick knack, the table needs polished, the rug has crumbs just underneath the chair and their is some thread loose on the middle chair." 

Belinda looked startled and then went over to the middle chair looking closely at it, she found the loose thread and plucked at it. "I see. Well then, take care of it, all of it..." Belinda said standing up straight, Clara looked around for any cleaning implements and didn't see any, whirring her fingers in the air she summoned her own and began to clean. She carefully went over all the problems she had pointed out, and even fixed the chair. Then she carefully checked the rest of the room to be on the safe side, it took her less then 7 minutes to get done. 

Belinda didn't say a word, but instead led her to another room. Three trays of tea sets of different sizes and shapes were set out. "Pour the tea for each set." Clara did so, making sure to do it quickly and not spill a drop. "Take all the tray and follow me..." Belinda said smirking, Clara looked at the three trays and took a deep breath, they were large trays, first she took one and balance it on her arm, then she said a quick spell under her breath to insure it did not fall, then she carefully picked up either set in her hands and carefully balanced her walk as she followed Belinda, it would have been better if they were smaller trays, but they barely fit on her arm and they were heavy in her hands. 

After what seemed an entire tour of the castle, Belinda led her to the kitchens where she had her set them down. Belinda looked over them sharply, Clara had not spilled a drop. "Now follow me for your final test." Belinda led her through the castle, not a single person was talking save for giving instructions or talking about work. Clara shivered a little bit, the castle felt cold in more ways then one.

They came to a large room where a woman stood waiting to be dressed, Clara had a feeling this would be the final test, so she was ready for it. She helped the woman into the biggest puffiest dress she had ever seen. She arranged her hair, and did her make up. She checked for anything out of place and even mended a small bit of lace with a magic spell, it had become torn. 

Finally the woman set off, her eyes giving Belinda an approving look. "You're hired." Belinda said simply, "The Queen has approved and you will start tomorrow, please bring your things to the side entrance, you will be staying in the staff quarters at the rear wing. That is all for now." Belinda said with a turn of her heel.

Clara felt weak in the knees for a minute, the woman had been the Queen, she should have know she had looked a bit like her but she was a bit different in person then the portraits and such that Clara had seen. Clara came home excitedly and told her mother her happy news, they packed in a flurry and had a big dinner to celebrate.

The next morning, her mom helped her load the Cargi taking her to the castle, "You must come to visit on your days off..." her mother said tearfully giving her a hug before Clara jumped into the Cargi. "I will mom, I don't want to be late on my first day!" Her mom laughed and waved her off, and Clara set off towards the castle. Today was the first day of living her dream, she felt like she was heading to her destiny. 

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