Admiral Ackeraff

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Admiral Ackeraff smiled as the moist sea air breezed past his face, this was the best feeling in the world for him. He was on a boat at sea, he had good friends around him, and his son was the Captain of the vessel he was on. His first mate was a young man called Hitan Tekerie a promising young man who seemed to know the boat and the sea well.

They were on their way to the port of Merverta called Koam on the boat Monat, it was a fine day on a fine ship. They were almost there, they were on a mission to try and open up trade to one of their closest neighbors, and currently the best and easiest way was by boat. All the other routes were more dangerous, and this way was not even that safe. They had to hug the coast really tight to avoid getting into Mer waters where their ship would surely get pulled into the sea.

Admiral Ackeraff, could see the port now, it looked quite busy. He frowned, it looked a little to busy. As they started to enter the port, ships came in from behind them. He didn't know how they had gotten there, or where they had come from. But they were not from Meverta or from Tannie. They looked to be from Airaviaand they did not look like they were coming in to trade. Admiral Ackeraff sprinted towards the captains helm, to speak with his son.

Just as he neared a blast of fire from the ships behind tore through their sales, the Mervertian ships in front of them retaliated paying no heed to the Tannian ship caught in the middle. Within seconds their sales were gone, the mast bent and broke from the spells the battle between the two armadas were flinging towards one another. 

The ship was on fire, people screaming in fear and pain, Admiral Ackeraff had stopped to try and help all those he had come across, he had not even made it to the captains helm to see let alone speak to his son. Finally, half-carrying two men he came to the captains wheel. His son Captain Rufero Ackeraff stood concentration on his face all his energy focused on maintaining a shield spell his father had taught him around the injured people they had on their ship, as well as on their Magician his name was Manlel. Manlel was in the middle of casting a spell. 

"Hurry Manlel! I don't know how long I can keep this up!" His son shouted over the den of noise around them, Hitan Tekerie was trying to patch up the rest of the crew who had made it to the shield, the screams and quieted and Admiral Ackeraff knew that those who were not here had perished. He had helped all those he had found, some had already died before he had come to them. In the small amount of space between him and the shield there had been a lot of death and a lot of men in need of help.

"I... I don't know if I can get everyone..." Manlel said the strain in his voice heavy, "Then leave me behind!" Admiral Ackeraff shouted. "If it means one of these men make it, leave me." His son looked at him pain in his eyes, "Dad..." Admiral Ackeraff silenced him. "I am old, let me die with honor if I can." His son smiled sadly, "Dad, the Kingdom needs you, you know that..." Admiral Ackeraff, looked into the eyes of his son, fear clutching his chest. "NO! Son, DON'T!" His son looked over to the Magician and they both nodded to each other, "Now Manlel!" His son shouted.

In a flash, they were off the ship and on the shore, just in the borders of Tannie. His son and the Magician were not among them, everyone else who had been with them had made it. They could just see the battle from where they were, the ship suddenly exploded letting out a multi color cloud of smoke. Admiral Ackeraff fell to his knees, his heart torn to pieces. His son was no more, surely there was no way he could have made it off in time. And if he had, he would be in the water between to warring armies and in unfriendly waters.

He felt someone come up behind him. "What your son did, he thought it for the best. I am sorry. We will all remember him for who he was, and what he did. I will insure that his sacrifice was not in vain." Admiral Ackeraff knew it was Hitan Tekerie. "Why? All we were trying to do was open up trade... We were not trying to avoid war, or even start one." Admiral Ackeraff said his voice choked with sadness. "He sacrificed himself so that we could live, so that we could protect Tannie and serve it well. He knew Tannie needed you, you and your experience."

Admiral Ackeraff rounded on him, "My son was just as good as me, he could have taken my place! He should have taken my place. I should have died, he should be here." Hitan Tekerie took a step back and looked him firmly in the eyes. "Your son knew that you and the General have the ear of the King and Queen, you have the respect of the people and the nobility. He did not have that, at best if you were to die he would get their sympathy and maybe a tenth of what you had in respect as well as attention from the people who make the decisions that affect our Kingdom."

Admiral Ackeraff shook his head, " I..." he stopped, in his heart he knew it was just as Hitan Tekerie said. "I just... I need time." Hitan nodded, "Yes, I think we all need to heal. We must get the injured help soon, or more will die." Admiral Ackeraff turned and realized the Hitan was right, there were many injured and they would die soon without help, he took out his Mirror and summoned General Gouram. "Yes Admiral, did it go well?" General Gouram asked cheerfully, he stopped when he saw Admiral Ackeraff's face. "What happened?" Admiral Ackeraff simply turned his Mirror so he could see the injured men on the beach, and then to the ships still battling in the port, the smoldering remains of the ship Monat floating in between them.

"Where are you?"General Gouram said tersely "The closest bit of coast in the Tannie Borders to Merverta." General Gouram shouted out orders behind him. "We will have Magicians come by Mirror to the closest town and then use transport spells to get near that point. We will have you all out of there soon." Admiral Ackeraff nodded, without saying a word and put away his Mirror.

It was several years later, Admiral Ackeraff stood on the steps beside General Gouram watching the Cargi that their future Queen was arriving on approach them. "Let us hope that she is more peaceful and forward thinking then her parents." Sighed General Gouram. "Well, she was always a bookish person, took a right shine to learning languages even of the Centaurs. We can hope." Admiral Ackeraff replied his voice echoing the General's sigh.

The Cargi pulled up and the young Princess stepped out along with Chester who leaped out of the Cargi with desperation. "He still can't stand those things..." muttered General Gouram, Admiral Ackeraff chuckled at the sight of Chester stretching and happily exclaiming about his freedom from the confined vehicle he despised. 

They came forward as the Princess Maria came up the stairs and smiled along with their bows, today was the day they greeted a new ruler, and they started a new beginning.

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