Mita and Miza

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Mita looked through the dense wood and grinned, his sister was in there, somewhere. They were fine tuning the connection between the two of them. They were twins, half-bloods like their parents. Amazingly enough their parents were twins, both of them in fact. There aunt and uncle, the other half of the twin set also married. They in turn also had twins, but they were both boys.

Mita squinted his eyes, he made a quick dash into the forest and in seconds found his sister. Miza was reading a book, she didn't even look up when he came next to her. "I knew you were coming..." she said as she flipped over to the next page of her book. "This isn't very interested..." she sighed looking up from it.

"Well, get a new book then..." Mita said his eyes twinkling. Miza glared at him, "You know what I meant!" Mita sighed, "Yes I do... And I agree... I want adventure, I want romance!" Miza arched her eyebrows at him, "You want romance? You can have your pick of the girls, they all seem to swoon over you..." Mita grunted, "None of them appeal to me, just like none of the boys who chase after you appeal to you..." Miza grinned, "Yes that is true! Somehow I feel our destined ones are beyond our borders, it would be good to get a breath of fresh air... Away from nosey parents and Aunts and Uncles..." Miza said a bit more loudly.

"Awwww! Come on now Miza, we just wanted to check on you..." A woman's voice came from two trees over. "Good that you detected us though!" said a man's voice from the tree next to hers. "I knew you were here the moment you arrived." Miza said dryly. "I couldn't miss hearing the debate the two of you were having, or the two of YOU." Miza said pointedly to the two trees a little further back.

"I didn't think she had got us..." sulked another woman's voice, "Debate? What debate we were merely talking about how best to hide ourselves and not be seen!" Said another man's voice. "Well maybe you should talk to your son's, they at least tried not to be heard as well as seen." Mita said his tone weary.

"YOU heard us as well??" Said two voices in unison, from behind Mita. "Of course I heard you, you didn't talk but you two have this tendency to argue silently by hitting each other. Repeatedly." Mita said flatly. "Miko! Muwo! You were hitting each other?!" The woman's voice who was Mita and Miza's Aunt Abina scolded. "We will talk about this when we get home you two." The man's voice who was their Uncle Ukige sternly echoed in the dense wood.

"Now now, they did better then us at least in staying silent..." Said Mita and Miza's mother Amiya. "That still is no excuse for hitting each other..." Chided their father Uhige. They all sighed at once, in unison. "Well now were all tuning into each other!" Chuckled their Aunt. They all hoped out of their trees and met in the middle of the wood. They were all blonde, they all had yellow eyes which was from their Draconic side, and their eyes were a bit shorter than most Elves.

"Now Mita, Miza about what you said, do you really feel that way?" their mother asked concern in her voice. "Yes mother!" they both said in unison. Their mother sighed and tapped her long fingers on her chin, "What to do, if your destined ones aren't in our borders you're not going to meet them anytime soon if ever staying here..." Their father nodded "No, they wouldn't even make it through if they were Draconic... Your grandparents met outside of the forest, they felt the same way. They will tell us to let you go..." Their Aunt and Uncle snorted, "They already TOLD you to let them go, remember? Just this morning they said 'Mita and Miza have the wander lust we had, they are a lot like us. I doubt they would find anyone here to settle with, you should send them out so we can have great-grandchildren soon!' That is what they said exactly!" she took a deep breath.

"And you know it's true because you tried throwing every girl and boy you could their way!" she ended chiding them. Their father grimaced glancing over at them quickly. They both rolled their eyes, Mita and Miza had known what their parents had been up to from the start. They wanted to be grandparent, badly. Or even have another baby. They wanted to hear the pitter patter of little feet... And so did their great-grandparents. And their Aunt and Uncle, they had been doing the same to their two boys and had been having slightly better luck. Their sons had at least been taking an interest in two sisters, who were not twins but looked similar to each other.

"We don't want to settle down just yet..." Miza said blandly, "But yes eventually, I want adventure most of all!" she finished her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Of course dear, well you and Mita are good with the bow and the sword, you are well able to take care of yourselves. Still it will be a bit of a worry for us you going away and all that." Their father said a bit nervously, "But at the same time..." he said with a sideways glance to their mother. "We have a feeling you would go, no matter what at this point." Their mother finished, "If only to escape your nosey parents." Finished their Aunt. "And your nosey Aunt, Uncle and cousins." Finished their Uncle sarcastically.

"You can say that again." Miza said under her breath. "We heard that!" Said their family in unison. Miza sighed, she couldn't wait to leave, to seek adventure and to see new place. "There is only one stipulation that we have..." Their mother said gently, "What is that?" Mita asked his eyes narrowing. "I know it probably sounds more dangerous then what you are planning, but we want you to join the Draconic Army..." Mita and Miza both looked at each other. "What did you say?" they asked stunned.

"Diji and Airia joined, we already spoke to them both, and you could join their unit. It would be safer, times are dangerous for our kind out there. And the King and Queen just got killed by the Dwarves, there is all kinds of unrest going around... To be safe, please." Their father pleaded.

"So that's why you suggested it and weren't so worried about it..." Miza said tapping her chin, "I think it's a good idea, what do you think Mita?" Mita nodded. "It is settled then, we leave tonight!" Their parent's faces fell, "So soon?" Miza snorted, "Of course so soon, think of it this way.... The sooner we go the sooner you might become grandparents!" she said tartly. Their faces instantly brightened and Mita rolled his eyes.

They had a family dinner, their grandparents handed them newly carved bows, their parents full sheaves of arrows. Their Aunt and Uncle gave them each a lovely sword and dagger set. With a few tearful hugs and goodbyes they saw them off to the edge of the forest. They said their last goodbyes and made their way through the rest of the wood, as they came out there stood in a line were four people. A tall Elven man with long blonde hair pulled back, a scale on his face. Their eyes widened when they realized who he was, a man with black curly hair and bright green eyes, they recognized him as well. A woman who could only be Airia but with her hair now cut to her ears, and a young short girl they did not recognize who cheerfully waved to them.

"Come on now, we best be off! We have some scouting to do, the Princess is on her way to the castle for her coronation and they have assigned us to make sure the route is safe." The girl said beaming, "My name is Raka! I think you know everyone else already?" She said with a big grin, Mita and Miza nodded. Diji grinned and came over and clapped the two of them on their backs, "Come now you rascals, we have much to do. It is good having more people that we know join us. I know how good you two are with the bow and sword, it will be of great help!"

They both grinned and clambered into the long low wagon that waited, their adventure was now beginning.

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