Chapter 3 Pacifica, Mr. Pichre, and Art

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I stared at Gravity Falls High. For such a small town, it was a pretty new looking school.

"Hey! School starts in like seven minutes, maybe we should go in?" Mabel giggled.

"Yeah. Go in." I repeated, and followed her into the building.

I was wearing a black messenger bag backpack and carrying my most personal possession: my sketchbook. I'd gotten it on Mabel and my 13th birthday as a gift from Mabel. She told me I could use it as a vent thing, when I got upset. Or mad at her. Or myself. And I did. It was full of drawings of me before Mabel's "idea", and what I would look like now, and Mabel as a devil, then apologetic sketches of her as an angel. Then just Mabel. Lots of just Mabel. A creepy amount of just Mabel. But anyway, it was a personal thing. And plus, I was a pretty good artist after all that practice.

As soon as I walked in, I bumped straight into another girl. I fell over backwards, and my sketchbook fell to the floor next to me, flipping open to one of my drawings of me pre-mushroom. I sat up and rubbed my head to see the girl doing the same.

Wait...was that...

"Oh. My. Gosh. I am so sorry." She hurried. "How could I do that to anyone, let alone such a beautiful girl?" She winced. "Forget I said that. Anyway, I'm really sorry. I'm Pacifica. Pacifica Northwest." She got up and dusted herself off, then extended a hand to help me.

Oh no.

I shyly took her hand and she pulled me up. Then she saw my sketchbook on the ground.

" that..." She grabbed it before I could say anything and looked at the page it was open to. "Dipper? Wow, I haven't seen the kid in, like, three years!"

"Yeah. Sure you haven't." I muttered nervously.

"You know him? He just disappeared off the face of the earth three years ago. No one's seem him since." She was talking really fast now.

Yeah. I thought. He disappeared off the face of the earth three years ago and was replaced by whatever I'm supposed to be. Thanks, Mabel.

"Wow." Mabel said. "That's cool or something."

"Hey, Mabel!" Pacifica greeted her. "Have you seen your brother at all?"

"Nope. Haven't seen my brother. At all." Mabel replied truthfully.

Pacifica handed me my sketchbook back and I hurriedly closed it.

"Anyway..." Pacifica gasped. "You two look so much alike! Almost like..." She paused. "Twins..."

Oh no.

Please, Pacifica. Don't realize it. Don't realize it, please.

"Cool! Anyway, I was off to first period. I have art!" If Pacifica figured out what was going on, I sure couldn't tell.

"So do I." I said slowly. Oh no. I couldn't survive a class with her!

"Can I see your schedule?" She asked.

I pulled it out of my jacket pocket and we compared. It turned out they matched up perfectly. Every class, ever day. I guess I was supposed to survive a year with her? Every moment at school? Sounded just great.

"I'm off to trigonometry! Catch you lovebirds later!" Mabel grinned and ran off into another hallway.

"We're not-" Pacifica started, blushing, but Mabel was already gone.

"She does that." I said.

"I know." She sighed.

We got into art, and Pacifica forced me to sit next to her. Which just made life worse.

The Lost and Found (A Sequel to Change of Identity)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora