She loves the scientist

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Catalina couldn't help but squeal in delight when her husband told her of the scientist

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Catalina couldn't help but squeal in delight when her husband told her of the scientist. How he was going to make some amazing monster that was going to bring her children alive, at last, and at that moment an urge to visit this so called Scientist was brought into her mind.
So she waited until her sisters had hurried of to dance and sing in praise to bring up the request.

"Master!" She sung while smiling her pearly white teeth at him, "I wish to see the man who is going to help with my children's lives!"
Dracula smiled at his wife then nodded, "I see your eagerness and I will take you. Next time I go, you will come."
Catalina clapped and squealed again, "My master I praise you! Our children will praise you!" She yelled spinning in excitement.

All Dracula did was nod before flicking his finger as a let go. Taking the hint she left him to his thoughts.

❂ Catalina's POV ❂

Running up the hall to the top room I couldn't contain the pure static feeling in my stomach it over took my every Will and thought.
My children! They will live at last! Our blood line will continue!

Swinging open the door I rushed past the empty bookshelves, the chains, the holes in the walls and everything else wrong with this abandoned place.

Slowing my pace I went out onto the balcony and sat on the ledge. From this view I could see the front of the castle and the bridge leading to it. In the further distance I could see the smoke from the village and if I focused long enough I could hear the sound of the peoples voices.

I sat on my own for five minutes admiring the view and the scents before I heard a throat clear behind me.

"Mistress, Master wishes for you to join him by the front entrance." Igor said

Igor. A strange little creature who talked very little unless he was talked to.

"Thank you Igor." I smoothly spoke causing his to falter in his posture.

With that I jumped from the balcony and transformed mid way.
Swerving down I could see the figure of my lover.

♥︎ Normal POV ♥︎

Catalina landed beside Dracula gracefully.
"Are you ready my love?" He asked not even looking at her.
"Ofcouse! I wish to leave now!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.
A small nod from his head and they both transformed and set of on their way.

They arrived quite quickly. Dracula led the way for his eager bride who only wished to see what this scientist was about.
When they reached the room no words were spoken.
Dracula crashed in the door and boomed his welcome, "VICTOR! Come! I have someone who wants to meet you!"

A shadow appeared in the next door way and slowly a figure came out from the dark.
He was a handsome man with blond hair that was host to a slightly messy side part, however most bits were stuck to his forehead in sweat, he was wearing a dusty white coat and his clothes underneath were almost as dirty.
Despite of this appearance Catalina was already struck with passion.

She shifted into a near by shadow then reappeared herself behind Victor. He didn't get time to turn around as one of her arms was already wrapped around his waist while the other was slipped under his arm, letting her hand rest of his chest.

"Victor~ I'll praise you, I'll pleasure you! You are going to help bring my children to life, you could have been sent by the gods! Maybe Under different circumstances I would have had yours to!" Catalina yelled squeezing his body within her grip.
Victor looked at Dracula nervously thinking he'd be furious about one of his wives holding another man but instead he was looking at the human parts behind him.

With a shaking breath Victor turned back to Catalina, "have my what?"
Moving her body to stand infront of him she caressed his face before slowly trailing her hands down his body to rest at this hips.
"Your children, I would have had your children~ Yet I can not! I can not mix with humans, it is simple impossible." She whined.
Victor looked back up to Dracula now seeing that he was staring at him.
"My bride likes you, she may express this but nothing will develop. You can bed her but not wed her. She's already mine." He said looking down at his bride then at Victor, "with the lack of what you get, embrace her. She'll be the first and last women you'll ever touch."

Catalina smiled into Victors chest and hummed happily.
"Miss, your his bride... Aren't you afraid of what he'll do if-"
Putting a finger on Victors mouth the vampire smiled, "Shush, remember what he said! Embrace me! And you call me Catalina. That's what I want to hear you scream!"

With that she pushed her lips onto his and crept her hands across his back. With utter surprise Victor stood completely still, he didn't kiss back, he didn't do anything.
Well, that was until she put her hand in a place which caused some pleasure. Once her hand had stoked past that area he grabbed her wait and kissed her with everything he had in him.
Grunts, hums and mumbles escaped the two and Dracula couldn't be more joyed. Another reason for him to stay working for him is this. The way he will feel loved and his lust will be fulfilled with her. It was perfect.

Sometime later the two had changed rooms and had participated in sexual interaction.
Victor was left asleep on the bed while Catalina left the room and went down to her love.

Once Dracula saw her he held his loves hand and guided her to the metal bed.
"There he lays. Not yet ready, not yet constructed but there he is. He will be ready in a few days so we must be ready. We must breed and once your children come to life. Your sisters will have their turn to!" He said holding her to his body and looking down at the beast.
Catalina was overjoyed, "We must go back and tell my sisters the news! They will be happy the time has nearly come!"

"Yes my love, the time has nearly come..."

My account problems have not stopped me! I have had this one brewing and it's finally ready to get out there!
I suggest you watch the film first, Van helsing 2004 on Netflix, could be on other places as well I'm not sure.
Anyway enjoy this new book!
Thank you 🤍

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