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It seems that after watching Valkin suffer, Catalina decided that she would take a nice stroll

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It seems that after watching Valkin suffer, Catalina decided that she would take a nice stroll.
However, as soon as she left the room a few new scents caught her.

Stopping, Catalina let a small smile creep across her face, as she took in the new smells, "Anna... oh, and... the hunter."

With a squeal, she ran down the stairs.
The count looked to his bride that was screaming and running out the door and let a smirk invade his own face.  He knew she found something, and in time she will share her knowledge with her sisters then it will come back to him...

Meanwhile with Anna and Van Helsing...

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Anna asked through sharp whisper shouts.
Van helsing pulled Anna through another door and shushed her.
"We need to be quite." He said as he peeped round another corner.
"Can we just hurry and go find my brother?" Anna snapped while sharply following him round another corner.

Just as they pushed open the huge oak door a foul smell slapped them round the face.
"What a smell." Anna muttered as she shielded her nose and mouth.

Van helsing however was worrying about the cause of the smell rather than the smell itself.
And once Anna laid her eyes on the same thing she let out a horrified gasp.
"What are they?!"

The two were standing in nest. From all angles in the room eggs hung from ceilings and there were hundreds, maybe even thousands of them.

Van helsing sighed as she nodded his head forward, "come on."

As the two pushed forwards Catalina entered the room. She stared down at them cautiously.
If they disturbed her eggs than they may not properly develop and after all her care and effort gone into producing them it would be a real shame.

Catalina POV

Keeping myself hidden was easy but watching as they took a 'closer look' at one of my eggs was not.
I reframed from screaming as the hunter stuck his hand into one of my children's hides.
But, I couldn't help but wail quietly as he held out one of my children like a trophy.

I gritted my teeth as I watched van helsing drop its lifeless body, at this time, I decided that this was the perfect time to take action.

Taking a step of the balcony I let myself drop down and land on the walk way behind them. 

As soon as I landed I could hear Anna's breath hitch and her heart dance with fear, however the hunters didn't even jump.
Time to make my entrance.

"I must say that watching you kill my child was quite difficult for me."

The two whipped round to look at me and in an instead Anna was pulled behind the hunter.
Slowly I approach, "How cute, protecting miss Anna like that, but I assure you... there is nothing to worry about."

Van helsing and Anna backed away as I drew closer and I could hear a slight scoff from Helsings mouth.
"Where's valkin?!" He shouted, jolting his cross bow towards me.

Squinting my eyes, I let a small smile slip, "The dog?"

"My brother!" Anna shouted now putting herself in front of Van helsing.


Catalina's eyes widened as a smug smile crept on her face.
"Well, you better hurry..."

Van helsing and Anna looked at each other as Catalina reached out to stroke her eggs.
Anna took some small steps forward as the other women kept stepping away, unintentionally avoiding close contact.
"What do you mean..?"

Catalina stopped her stroking and looked around before staring at Anna in the eye, "He won't last long and my eggs will be hatching soon... so if I were you, I'd be running."

Van Helsing grabbed Anna's arm and pulled her back.

"What are you waiting for? I'm not keeping you."

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