Chapter 1

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Third Person's POV.....

The scene was too bright, the lights kept changing, the music was so loud, all the richest people in Korea, were drinking, chatting, dancing, having fun, singing karaoke.....

Lee Minhyuk, son of Lee Soo Han, was enjoying himself....

Drinking soju, while dancing with girls on the dance floor.....

The Lee Family, is an 8 membered family.... Consisting of:

Lee Soo Han, the owner and CEO of Lee Productions, he's also known for his kindness and his charity works...

Lee Sun Mi, she is the owner of La Musiquè, a clothing shop, and Vita Dolce, a restaurant and café....

Lee Ji Sun - The mother of Lee Soo Han, she takes care of her grandchildren, and makes sure that they don't harm themselves, especially Minhyuk and Lee Joon

Lee Hyemin - Also known as Euaerin, she is the eldest daughter of the Lee Family, she is 22 years old, Sunmi gave birth to her when she was 19, she is the 2nd tallest among the siblings, 174cm tall, she has the same height with her mother

Lee Minhyuk - The eldest son of Lee Soo Man, he is 173cm tall, the reason why he is short, because he got most of his mother's genes, and he always slept late when he was young, instead of drinking milk, he drinks coffee and he doesn't like vitamins because he doesn't like the taste....

Lee Chang Sun - The aegyo filled child, they also call him Lee Joon as his nickname, he's not studious, he likes music a lot, he performs sometimes in their school... Along with Hyeri, he's 180cm tall, he and Hyeri are fraternal twins

Lee Hyeri - She's the 4D daughter of Soo Han, she doesn't like studying, she's lazy, crazy, and funny.... Great dancer along with Sungjong, she is really naughty, noisy, loud, cute and bubbly, she and Lee Joon are the naughtiest in their family... She's 167cm tall,

Lee Sungjong - The youngest son/ daughter, he is gay, but its alright with their family, he's a great dancer and singer, he thinks he's more beautiful than the other girls in school....

He is closer to his older brother Minhyuk, he feels more safe and comfortable with him, unlike Lee Joon who always prank him, scare and makes fun of him... He's 179cm tall,

Now that you've met them, lets go back to the scene earlier.....

Minhyuk's POV.....

My head is spinning, it feels like I'm gonna explode, what time is it?

I looked at my watch, 2:45.... Oh, dear... I better go home, before, appa, eomma and grammy starts yelling at me....

"Oh! Minhyuk-ah! Where you going?" My friend Eunkwang asked "Home, I had enough of tonight, thanks, Leader Seo!" I said and went out

"Young master! We have to go home! Your parents are worried sick!" My driver, Joomyeon said and I nodded

I went inside and looked at my phone, 36 messages and 25 missed calls...

Who is this? Oh, her.... Park Hyunyoung, whatever, were over... She's a pain in the ass..... Zzzzzz.....

"Young master, wake up!" Joomyeon said and I went out, I lost balance and tripped


"Be careful, sir!" He said and helped me up,

I opened the door and saw, my whole family awake

"Anyeong~" I said while walking in different directions

"Do you know what time it is?!" Eomma Sunmi asked and I nodded

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