Chapter 2

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Minhyuk's POV.......


I asked while looking at the side mirror....

"Um... Min? Can you come to the café right away? Real fast?" My friend Ilhoon asked

"Waeyo?" I asked while drinking my coffee

"Um.... We-" He was cut off, by Eunkwang's shout:

"Get your ass in the café, because your freaky, little annoying koala bea- I mean, girlfriend is making a scene here!!"

"Wait, Hyunyoung's there?" I asked, not quite sure of what I heard....

"Yeah, and she's creating tantrums, shouting, and demanding your presence! Its driving the customers away!!" He said and I sped up....

What the hell is she doing?! Is she trying to destroy me?!


I immediately parked my car in front of the café and went inside. Only to find a screaming Hyunyoung

I also saw a couple of customers leaving

"Wait, please! I will stop this mad woman" I said while trying to hold them back.....

They shook their head in denial and left.....

"Hyunyoung!" I growled silently and pulled her arm

"What the heck are you-" I was cut off when she slapped me, harshly....

"What on earth are you doing?!" She shouted "What do you mean?! Your the one who's creating trouble!" I said "What do you mean, your breaking up with me?!" She said

"I meant it, idiot! I don't want to be with you! Cause your really annoying! Nor have I ever wanted a relationship with you! The first time I met, yes I liked you because of your beauty. But, I never thought it would turn out like this!"

I grinned my teeth

"So you just used me?! Like a picture frame?!" She asked

"Aren't you guys so sweet~" A girl spoke like a drunkard

"Fighting in public, just to show people how you love each other" She chuckled like she was having a high

"Who are you?" Me and Hyunyoung asked in unison....

"You don't need to know, come on! Continue, just pretend like you didn't hear nor saw me" She smiled cheekily

I gazed at her name pin....


No, this can't be her, Chorong don't tell me this is her!

I went near her and looked closely,

"Oh, why are you looking at me?" She asked and turned around to throw her tissue

At the back of her shirt, the words on it was:


"E-E-Excuse me, but.... Are you Yoon Bo Mi?" I asked shakily, please tell me I'm wrong....

"Yes, that's me..... Who are you?" She pointed my chest,


"Can you come with me for a mere minute?" I asked "Why will I come with you?"

"Just come with me!" I said and shoved her into my car

"W-Wait a minute! What about me?!" Hyunyoung asked

"Go home! You have your car, I mean.... Give me your keys" I said "Waeyo?!" She asked

So, I just snatched her purse and took the car keys

We Got Married?! (A BtoB Minhyuk & Apink Bomi FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now