Doctor visit

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Exchanging numbers they nodded to eachother. Carlos pulled the child to the Nightvale side of the Barrier. A small mark started to glow on their wrist... It was the Symbol of Nightvale. Every citizen of Nightvale had one somewhere on their body. Cecil in Fact had his on his wrists as well. But that was not the only change for as Carlos pulled the child over the Brown side of their hair turned to that White like Blond. the Child shuttered slightly but didn't wake. Carlos took a slow breath and gently picked them up. Cecil wanted to give Kevin a smug look as if he had Won, To him this was all the proof he needed to show that the child was a true Nightvalian.

However looking at Carlos he saw this was not infact the win he thought it was. Carlos took the childs head and made it go to the others side. Probably for science... the Child's hair turned brown. Then bringing it back over it was Blond. Like some sort of shifter Cecil had heard the secret Police was going to start using in Investigations. after all if you couldn't tell your secrets to close family or atleast someone who looked like close family then who could you tell your secrets to. He was actually going to do a short report of it later that week.

"Well isn't that something" The not Carlos now known as Diego said his wide feral like smile widening. Carlos quickly held the child to his chest and narrowed his eyes. Something told Cecil that Carlos was just as Protective of the poor child as he was. He never really thought himself as a Parent but seeing this child. So lost and alone... something in him has stirred. Telling him that he couldn't leave them. He had to keep them safe.

"A-as we agreed... One week then we meet back here..." Cecil did not miss that small stutter in his Perfect Carlos voice. He was worried. He didn't want to be close to these two as they were. However they appeared complacent and both simply grinned at us. it still sent Shivers down his spine every time he saw his own double... this Twisted version of himself by another name. He hated him. Hated that in some Strange secondary Dimensional place he was this Creepy psychopath no Carlos said to not think about it. That was one Scientific discovery all of us could have lived with out.

"Agreed, Same place next week. Shale we say morning next time though? Temple will be early next week and we wouldn't want the Little one to miss it" Kevin grinned at us. Cecil winced. Was that blood in his teeth? Why would there be blood in his teeth? No don't ask those questions Cecil he thought. He would rather not actually know.

"R-Right... I think that should be alright. thought Time doesn't really exist sooo... Sunset for us...and Sunrise for you?" He asked Diego nodded at him.

"Correct...Carlos" Diego said with a smirk.

"I wouldn't keep us waiting... When the Child wakes make sure to tell them...Otherwise it will be our Job" He snickers as Kevin takes Diego's warm. Watching Cecil and Carlos hurry away. The child stayed quiet all the way back to the Town. Perfectly asleep. Not even moving as they passed the town square. No they stayed quiet as a mouse the whole way to the Clinic. Once inside they were seen rather quickly. 

The Doctor took them back allowing the Two husbands to hold eachother as they waited to hear how the child was doing. Luckily it didn't take long before the doctor walked out. Their gloves slightly bloody as he threw them in the nearest trash can.

'You are the childs Fathers?" He asked. Carlos was about to correct when Cecil nodded.

"Yes! Are they ok?" The doctor took a breath.

"They are alright... Luckily it looks like they are quite the natural healer. By the time we took them in back their wounds started knitting themselves back together already. We put some Ointment on the still open area... May we ask what happened?" Carlos looked at Cecil. He nodded and started telling the doctor. After all this would probably be the Child's doctor until their true parents could be found.

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