New home

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Kevin had been thrilled With how temple went. He had been more then thrilled he had been Joyous! To watch as his little one looked upon the Smiling God with such aberration was exhilarating! He just knew they would love them! And when his little Aero had bitten his own finger for part of his offering oh it had been perfect! As if they had done it a thousand times before! 

But the best part... the absolutely best part. Was watching as his Aero's little gold eyes were over took with gold much like his own. Sure his black markings often turned gold during the Offering parts of Temple. But he had not expected his little one's eyes to turn as his apparently did. He was not really sure if his did but Diego often said that they did. It was just so cute! It was a sign that Aero was born to be a follower of the Smiling God. That they were a natural just as Kevin was.

This just cemented it for Kevin that Aero belonged in his Town far more then in Nightvale. That they should stay here full time. Sadly that would not be happening anytime soon. No instead they would continue to swap every week like Divorced Parents fighting for custody. He watched as both their Glows faded. The little Trickles of Blood falling from their cute little gold eyes. Watched them keep that smile on their face as they had during the sermons even as they grew tired. Watched as they looked at the Smiling God's statue the whole time. 

He knew how tiring it could be especially for children to have to sit threw the whole thing but he was certainly proud when his Child did not fuss even once. Sure they would shift or their eye would twitch but when they had laid that little head on his shoulder oh He could have been Sacrificed right then and there! It was just so cute!

In the end he allowed all other to leave before himself and Diego took their child back to the car. The whole time Aero kept a smile on their face. Kevin did not however miss how that smile dropped off their face as soon as the car door closed. Nor how tired they had been that they fell right to sleep. He also did not miss the confused look right before as they felt their cheeks.

Diego climbed into the car and grinned moving the mirror to look back at the child instead of behind them. He chuckled lowly and looked at the Grinning Kevin and raised an eye brow.

"Quite the Day of Temple wasn't it" He stated. Kevin nodded and gave a loving look at Aero.

"Agreed, I certainly wasn't expecting that. To think our little Aero has so much power and is still so young." He grinned. Diego nodded and started driving back to their home.

"It did seem to tire them out" He stated. Kevin nodded and put a hand to his cheek.

"Well, It was their first Temple. I remember mine so fondly but it does tend to tire you. Not that I let that stop me hehe. But they are so much younger as well. I hear Naps are part of a child's development" Diego nodded.

"Yes I read that as well. I believe we should create a schedule for them however around those naps. TO make sure to utilize all their free time. Trips to the Temple are a must. But they will also need to learn quickly and someone will need to teach them hand to hand combat" Kevin nodded he was so excited at the though. His little Aero was proving to be so much more then he originally thought and that was wonderful!

"We could use this as a foot hole into getting the Nightvalian Citizens to convert as well! If one of their own is one to Praise the Smiling God then why not them as well" Diego grinned wickedly making a shiver of excitement run down his spine. 

"I just love the way you think Darling." They made it back to their home in record time. Kevin gently picked up their Child and walked inside. Kevin took the child to their new room. He was so glad he baby proofed it. Making sure to put the Strex regulated cameras up as well as the self locking doors. Aero would need to Voice that they wanted out to get out. Kevin would be sure to fix that little not talking problem quickly.

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