Chapter 2- It's An Accident!

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Shuichi awoke to the sound of the morning announcement. He stirred in his bed, feeling lightheaded. He didn't wait a minuet more to get out of bed when the events of yesterday replayed in his mind. He looked over to the closet in the far corner of his room, inside was the same looking uniform he was given yesterday.

How creative, he thought. Shuichi quickly changed into this clothes, remembering that he had to meet up with the others in the dining hall. When he exited his dorm, he looked to the room across from his.

"Akamatsu" It read on the nameplate.

Remembering how scared she was yesterday, enough to feel dizzy and latch onto him like she did, he decided he should wait outside her dorm. It would ease his feeling that she was alright, and he wanted to grow closer to her anyways.

He fidgeted with the cuffs of his sleeves for two minuets until Kaede came out. She looked tired, but beamed when she came in contact with him. "Hi, Shuichi!" She said, sounding cheerful. At least she wasn't too upset, Shuichi thought.

"Good morning," he started, looking off to the side. "I hope you don't mind me waiting for you. You just looked upset yesterday, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." 

Kaede eased at that. How thoughtful of him! "Thank you, Shuichi. We should probably meet up with the others though." Kaede brought a hand to her face.

The two of them descended the stairs, and was greeted by a sickeningly ironic beautiful day. They were supposed to be killing each other. He hated how cheerful the weather made it out to be. They walked together for a few minuets in silence, but Kaede finally spoke. "Are you okay?" She asked, catching Shuichi off guard. He jumped a bit and looked in her direction.

"What do you mean?" He almost stammered.

"Well.. I appreciate you caring about my wellbeing, but I want to make sure you're okay too. You seem on edge." She responded. Shuichi's eyes widened. He didn't really know how to respond.

"I'm alright. Thank you." He muttered, turning away. That answer didn't persuade Kaede though. She puffed out her cheeks. "Shuichi. You don't have to lie." She rebutted.

Shuichi bit the bottom of his lip. "I mean, we're supposed to kill each other. I'm always gonna be on edge." He quoted from Keade's previous statement. Kaede felt a wave of guilt over her. She probably should have guessed that he would feel that way. I think everyone did.

When they finally got to the dining hall, they walked in together, observing the chaos. Kirumi was serving breakfast to the group, who was scooping plates up in the kitchen, Kaito trying to talk to Maki, Kokichi's annoying fake wailing, and other conversations amongst themselves.

Shuichi guided Kaede to the table Kaito and Maki were sitting at, and greeted them. Kaede sat down next to him, making Shuichi feel awkward, and embarrassed suddenly. Kaito and Maki sat down across from them, both entirely different expressions. Maki looked like she wanted to turn Kaito inside out, whilst he had his arm around her shoulder, beaming and laughing. 

"Maki-Roll and I have been hangout out all morning... and..." Maki-Roll? There's no way a scary girl like her would accept a nickname like that. Actually from the looks of it, she didn't. She looked irritated the second he used it.

"There's this awesome AV and game room in the basement! We wanted to invite you guys to hang out with us after breakfast. Y'know. Get our mind off this whole Killing Game thing." He smiled.

Kaede clasped her hands together with a smile, looking at Shuichi, who reluctantly agreed. He hadn't explored the basement yet, so maybe he'd check it out.

They all trotted downstairs, anxious for what the AV room would hold. Kaito pushed the door open with a smile. "TA-DAAA!" He said, placing his hands on his hips.

The AV room was a bit too hyped up to meet their expectations. It was a dingy theater room with a few 80's video game machines. "Cool right?!" He said, inviting the others in. Shuichi had no interest in playing games, he just wanted to investigate more, but Kaede did not like that idea one bit.

"Come on Shuichi! Let loose a little bit! Please?" She begged, ushering him to an air hockey table. "Lets play!"

Shuichi sighed. Perhaps letting loose a little bit would ease him a little bit more. Kaede reached over to the top of the machine and turned it on. Shuichi grabbed a puck from his side and hit it over to her side. Unfortunately, Kaede had a competitive side. She got really into it. Like, REALLY into it. She would victory dance every time she scored in Shuichi's goal, and jump in circles when she won. It brought a smile to Shuichi's face.

"Aww, Shuichi!" She cooed. "You're smiling.." she said with a pleasant expression. Shuichi tilted his hat down, embarrassed suddenly. Kaede clasped both her hands on Shuichi's smiling up at him.

Kaito was busy trying out the DDR machine with Maki making fun of him to realize he bumped into Shuichi's back, causing him to fall forward onto Kaede.

They both landed, exhaling sharply. Shuichi, poor thing, landed into Kaede's chest. Embarrassed, he quickly got up onto his palms, staring at Kaede for a few seconds. Kaede didn't have any other expression other than surprised. Both of their eyes wide. Kaede blinked. She couldn't stop looking into Shuichi's golden husk eyes. Wide with embarrassment. She watched his entire face turn red, and she wondered if her face looked the same.

In truth they where only on top of each other for a few moments, but staring at each other felt like ages. Shuichi staggered back off of her, lowering his hat in an attempt to hide his face. Kaede sat onto her knees.

"K-kaede! I'm so sorr-ry!" He stammered, struggling to get his words out. "I didn't kn- I didn't mean- I don't-" he stuttered again.

"Shuichi, it's okay!" Kaede giggled, standing up, and extending a hand out to Shuichi, who politely refused. For some reason he felt like he shouldn't touch her. He felt like he'd make matters worse.

Kaede would be lying if she said she didn't love how flustered Shuichi looked right now, although she probably looked the exact same. She touched her face to try to make her cheeks cool down.

"I won, Maki-Roll!" Kaito suddenly said from across the room, earning the attention of the two.

"Shuichi! You need to try that." Kaito said, sweaty and out of breath. Kaito took notice of the red tint to Shuichi's ears. "You okay, dude?" 

Shuichi tensed up. "Y-yep.. I'm going to check out that library I saw." He said, trying to make up an excuse to leave. He just needed to step away from the hot and nervousness he was feeling. For some reason, Kaede felt like Shuichi would be trying to avoid her now, which made her feel upset.

"Oh boo" Kaito teased. "Maki-Roll, Kaede, you guys wanna get dinner?" He asked. Kaede wanted to decline, but decided to go anyways. She was feeling pretty hungry regardless.

Shuichi pressed open the doors to the library once the others had left, and he was absolutely astonished. The bookshelves were completely full of books, and reached heights to the ceiling. Shuichi accidentally let out an audible gasp. He was a little ashamed of his absolute love of books, and library's. Most people would tell him to get a better hobby. To drink, or go out to parties, but that really wasn't Shuichi's style. He spun around, looking at all of the old, rotting, dusty books. He realizes that his appeal to these things would make him considered, weird. 

He walked over to a small section of novels and flipped through the degrading pages. He rolled over a ladder and climbed up the rungs. He grabbed a random book, and two others and sat down on the floor of the cubicle. As he read, he began to feel tired, and drowsy. He didn't know how long he sat there reading, because he was halfway through he novel, when the words blurred together, and his vision obstructed in pulses.

His hat began to bother him on his head. His head dropped and he shut his eyes, loosely letting go of the pages, drifting off into sleep.

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