Chapter 3- Subsiding These Feelings.

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Kaede sat tipsily as she began to eat her dinner. Kaito and Maki talked amongst themselves, Kaede agreeing or nodding her head time and time again, but Shuichi was on her mind most of the night. When helping Kirumi with cleaning, hours later into the night, she had realized Shuichi never came up from the basement. He never talked to anyone since the AV room.

As she scrubbed food off her plate, a nervousness feeling sunk to the pit of her stomach. Was it possible that he... no. Stop Kaede, push those thoughts down. He probably just got caught up in reading. Yeah... that's it.

Given the circumstances they were abruptly put in, it was certainly not passed her expectations that somebody might have tried to hurt him. She caught herself thinking about it a lot; blanking out while cleaning.

Eventually, her nerves caught up to her, and she darted out of the kitchen and dining hall completely, praying to anybody who would listen that Shuichi hadn't been killed. She pushes the door to the library open, surprised at the coldness and emptiness of the room. It was dim too. Not dark enough that she couldn't see anything, but light enough to sort of make out the books near her. She walked slowly and cautiously, half expecting a bloody body to be laying in cold flesh. It was certainly a relief to see his sleeping body sitting up against a dusty bookcase. A half over book in his hand, and his hat by his side. His face was surprisingly peaceful, and it took Kaede a will of power to keep herself from staring.

However, it was late, and Kaede didn't want him sleeping on the floor all night. She would feel much more comfortable with him in his dorm, rather than out in the open like this. She lightly tapped on his shoulder, but to no avail he woke up. She tried again, earning a light grumble from the other. Loosing her patience a little, she used both her hands to shake his shoulder, causing him to wake abruptly.

"Wh- ah?" He said, startled and confused? He used his fingers to move a strand of hair out of his face, and looked up at Kaede's face.


"Hi, Shuichi." She responded, smiling and extending her hand to help him up. He stood up weary. "How long have I been down here?" He asked.

"Two hours or so. You've missed dinner." Kaede responded, leaning down beside him to pick up his hat that was left. She handed it to him with little hesitation. She liked how he looked without it; he looked like a more confident shell of himself without it on. When he would wear it, he would conserve himself and try not to draw much attention to himself.

Shuichi, suddenly embarrassed, muttered out an "oh" and adjusted his hat on his head. 

"Can I walk you back to the dorms?" Shuichi asked, looking back at Kaede. 

"Of course," she would respond. The two of them exited up and out of the library. The cool air and sheer night sky gave them a mysterious atmosphere as they pattered against the concrete. A cool breeze blew back Kaede's hair. She took her fingers and placed a strand behind her ear. Shuichi couldn't help but stare.

When they finally got to the dorms, they said goodnight to each other and went off in separate directions. When Shuichi locked himself inside, a horrendous blush covered his face. Why was he feeling so... weird around her.

He brought his hand to his mouth. What's happening? He hated these feelings, and he definently didn't want this negative feeling to be in coherence with Kaede.

But was it all that negative? He felt a pit in his stomach and felt hot all over. He ran to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. His entire face was read. He was sweaty and looked just gross.

Did he look like that when he was walking with Kaede? He must've looked like a fool! He touched his cheeks with the tips of his fingers. He's not sick is he? No. That can't be it.

He splashed his face with water in hopes to calm himself down and knock him back into his senses. He can't have feelings that that here. He just can't. This feeling will subside in the morning, he decided, moping and falling into bed, not bothering to get under the sheets.


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